Dead Body

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The car ride home is silent except for the radio. Gavin doesn’t ask what happened in the house, but when we get inside and I grab ice for my knuckles, his curiosity gets the best of him.
“What happened? Why are you icing your knuckles?”
“Nothing really. Hunter insulted me, so I punched him.”
Gavin’s eyes nearly pop out of his head. Why is he so surprised? I can pack a punch.
“What did he say?”
“He tried to call me inappropriate names. He’s denying that he is the father. Blaming me for sleeping around.”
“Wait. He’s your old boss?”
He lets out a long breath, sitting down on the couch. I take a seat next to him, resting my back against the arm of the couch.
“Did it feel good? Punching him?”
“It gave me satisfaction, if that’s what you mean. Why?”
“Because now I want to take a swing at him.”
For some reason, Gavin’s sudden interest in sticking up for me makes me smile. He’s been nothing but kind to me these last few weeks. I look over at him, trying to read his expression. He’s doing a damn good job hiding his thoughts from me. My phone rings, startling me. Daniel’s name flashes across the screen. I pick up without hesitation.
“Hey. I just want to thank you for being there for Andy in her time of need.”
“That’s what friends are for. Supporting each other.”
Gavin stands up from the couch wordlessly, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. I hear the shower turn on.
“So what did Hunter say?”
“That we have until the end of the week to get her stuff out of her room or it’s all going in the trash.”
I can hear the anger in his voice. I don’t blame him either. Andy is getting fired for something she really couldn’t control.
“Yeah. I’ll give you more details later. For now, I’m exhausted and ready to crash.”
“Okay. Again, thanks for being there for her.”
“Tell her I say hi?”
“When she wakes up. She finally fell back asleep.”
“Alright. See you guys later.”
I hang up and toss my phone onto the cushions beside me. The clock reads three in the morning. No way I’m going to fall asleep with this much energy. I stand up from the couch, walking down the hall to Gavin’s room. I grab my pajamas from on top of the duffel bag I neglected to unpack. After I change, I start to get ready. It doesn’t take me long to realize that I don’t have my toothbrush or toothpaste on me. I exit the bedroom, walking over to the bathroom door. I knock on the door twice before he responds.
“Can I come in?”
When he doesn’t answer, I take a risk, walking straight into the bathroom.
“I’m just grabbing my toothbrush.”
Still no response from him. I grab what I need and leave him to finish his shower. I brush my teeth out in the kitchen sink, taking my stuff to the bedroom when I finish. Since Gavin still hasn’t exited the bathroom, I sit down on the couch. Nothing good is on, so I finally settle with the news. Some story about a dead body being found in a nearby river is on.

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