PD-Nim was silent for a long moment. I just stared at him.

"You do not want to sign a contract, but you want to keep working for me?"

I nodded. Not saying anything.

"You know, I can have you dismissed immediately for opposing me like this. You have no rights to stand on, and you are initially breaking the company's code of conduct."

He sounded stern, but not unfriendly.

My gaze fell to the floor as my heart suddenly felt heavy. I was expecting this, but I just couldn't bring myself to sign the damned contract.


I looked up.

"-You are an exceptional case, and I will be keeping an eye on you. I will waive the contract on one condition, and one condition only, Laine." He rubbed his hands together "On the condition that you ensure no bad publicity follows you or any member, you may do as you please. You may appear in public together, in a civil manner, and attend events together, but in a strict, platonic way. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-yes, sir. Thank you so much for taking my plea into consideration."

I stood up and bowed deeply once again.

He nodded. "Don't make me regret this. Now go pack for Hawaii."

I couldn't contain my excitement, so I flashed him my biggest smile.

I turned for the door and before I exited, he added "Oh and don't let them know there's no contract in place. This stays between us, and they need to still be focused."

I nodded silently.

As soon as I exited the office, I ran as fast as I could.

I couldn't believe I had the nerve to even try pulling that off.

It worked. It worked. It worked.

You can be so lucky this didn't blow up in your face, Laine.

Fuck yeah! Hawaii, here I come!

I burst through the main doors of Big Hit Studios, spilling myself onto the pavement. I smiled up at the sunshine, and everything just seemed much brighter to me.

This is going to be great.


Going through the airport was a nightmare. I had to walk a good distance behind them, so as to not raise suspicions or attract unwanted attention. I wore a black oversized tracksuit with the hood up, a black mask and sunglasses to cover my face, and even tied my hair in a tight bun so it won't stick out.

I looked like a man, but it did the job. Fans were screaming for them, one even pulled on Jungkook's backpack. I felt so bad for them, but they just kept walking, and I could easily slip pass undetected. I don't think anybody even looked my way.

Finally, we boarded the plane and took our seats. We were in a private jet, so there were no seating arrangements.

I took off my hoodie and my mask, and sighed in relief as I adjusted my hair.

"Wooooow! It's a girl!" Jin exclaimed as he saw me without my disguise.

I rolled my eyes. "Woooow, Captain Obvious strikes again!" I laughed at him.

He looked shocked before nudging Namjoon. "Hey, we should totally change 'Anpanman' to 'Captain Obvious' I can wear a suit with a big 'O' on it..."

I tuned out the banter by plugging in my head phones. Shame, poor Joon. I giggled at what I assumed was Namjoon trying to explain to Jin how that would be a terrible idea. He caught my eye and shook his head in defeat. I mouthed "sorry" before pressing play.

I was lying down on a reclining chair, with an empty seat next to me. It was facing a wall with a TV mounted against. The interior of the plane was an expensive beige colour, it felt like I was inside a Louis Vuitton handbag.

I closed my eyes, and just as I was starting to relax, I felt a hand brush against my arm and a hot breath on my neck. My eyes flew open and I looked at the person sitting next to me.

He had a naughty smirk on his face while looking me up and down.

"What are you listening to over there?" Yoongi asked, seemingly interested.

The feeling of tension returning almost instantly.

What is it with you and your weird vibes, Yoongi?

"I-I..." he grabbed my iPod before I could answer.

He stared at the title of the song, and then at me, jaw dropped.

I didn't notice he looked over my shoulder to see if anybody was watching, but next thing I knew he pressed his lips against mine and kissed me, I didn't even think twice about kissing him back, my body responded instantly.

He grabbed the back of my head, pulling me closer to him.

I bit his bottom lip, letting my tongue slide into his mouth.

He moaned silently as I felt his hand travelling to my chest.

I felt the lust, I felt the tension.

The kiss lasted about 30 seconds, but it was the most powerful kiss I ever had.

I wanted more.

"Nice song choice" he said breathlessly against my lips, before leaning back into his own chair.

From the corner of my eye I could see him adjusting his jeans.

I smirked and winked at him, trying to act cool. I am so confused. What just happened.

"Th-Thanks" I managed.

Yoongi wants me?

He reached out and held my hand.

This feels oddly...perfect.

I smiled and looked at my iPod again.

Give it To Me – Agust D ~ Press Play to resume.

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