Do what you must

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The lights that blind you aren't the reason you are afraid of the dark,
The thorny stems aren't the reason you hate roses,
The thunder doesn't scare you, it never did, it's the light that comes before it that gives you nightmares,
You aren't afraid of walking the streets alone at night,
It's what lies at the curb that gives you shivers,
You adore the moon at night but you forget to see the ocean of stars that linger around it, twinkling, begging for you to see them,
The moon gives moonlight but the stars come together to give hope and that's what you don't see,
The dark that you see outside your window doesn't make you feel like you're being watched,
Those are your own eyes that reflect from the dark and the shadows of your own thoughts that follow you like a spirit,
Walking deep in the woods doesn't make you take a step back,
What makes you stop are the voices that echo from far away, sounding like they beg for mercy,
Those voices come from within you, they beg you to free them from the chains of fear,
They echo in the wild where they belong,
You are afraid that letting them loose would unleash what you always tried to hide,
Every book that you close without finding answers to what you seek,
The answers lie in the pages you skip, the ones that remind you of the past, the one that gives your ghost a reason to haunt you,
Driving with headlights on makes you feel that what lies ahead can be seen,
Maybe you don't realise that darkness gives you the chance to lose yourself when you follow the path it chooses for you,
While a little light gives you just fear,
Maybe for once you should realise that you were born to be wild,
Maybe you should follow the cries that call you at night,
Maybe for once you should surrender yourself to the voices inside your head,
Maybe you should read the pages that you've been avoiding all along,
Maybe you should let go like the sand does when the waves take it with them,
Walk in the direction that your heart agrees to and your soul points to,
Maybe the things that you ran away from might help you reach home.

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