Don't kill yourself

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Don't kill yourself, your family needs you,
Don't kill yourself,your dog still needs to be fed,
Don't kill yourself, the flowers you planted in your garden are still to bloom,
Don't kill yourself, your mom still needs to see you find love,
Don't kill yourself because someone else told you you're not worth being in their life,
Don't kill yourself because you still have to tell your crush you like them,
You have to live for all the reasons that matter and all the reasons that don't,
Because, You're important,
You matter to so many people around you,
It's just a bad day, or a bad week, not a bad life,
Every time you sleep don't think about the times that have already gone,
Don't think about the pain that you've already overcome, the scars that have faded away,
You need to live because every time you think you don't have a reason to live,
Remember that the first time you walked you parents held you when you fell down,
But they didn't the second time, they let you fall,
Do you think that falling once is enough to end your whole life?
Think about all the sunrises you'll miss,
Think about all the road trips and phone calls you'll miss from your friends,
If you sit in the darkness and say that you're scared of it, it'll consume you,
Open your door, let the light come in,
Don't give up your life for something you know is temporary,
You love yourself, you've always loved yourself,
Don't let a few people's opinion change who you are,
I love you,
The words you write love you,
And most importantly you love yourself,
And I know it's gonna take time for you to reach the phase where you say, "I'm excited for tomorrow",
But that moment is worth all the sunrises you'll see before it,
All the stars you'll count before you've finally found your favourite one,
Just don't give up hope,
Live, not all at once,
But live in every second, every moment,
I'm sure you'll make it,
Because I believe in you.

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