"Honestly it means a lot. Thank you. I love you too. I owe you a lot. Goodbye, I promise I'll visit as soon as Luca has come to terms with it. Bye Love!"

"Yeah you definitely owe me. Bye!" And with that, she and all her bags were out the door. I figured I'd get some energy for today. It was going to be stressful. I pulled out a bowl of cereal and poured me some. Then I heard tiny footsteps and poured another bowl. I set it next to mine and waited. Matteo came to the table and sat down next to me. Smiling super big as he saw the food.

"Thank you very much Vawentina." He started eating. So did I. After about fifteen minutes, I finished. But Matteo didn't, so I stayed with him. I had my phone so I decided to just watch some Netflix or something. Then I heard loud stomps. And I prepared myself.

"WHERE THE HELL IS STELLA?" I hear him yell. Oh god. I stood up from my chair. Matteo's face was beyond frightened. I looked at him and said, "Come here, it's alright." He got out of his chair, and I pulled him up, into my arms. Luca came out from the hallway. The fire in his eyes was clear as day. "Luca. Please. Not yet. Not in front of Matteo. Look at him." By now Matteo was shaking, and his head was buried into his arms and my shoulder.

"Put him back to bed. We need to talk." He said in the most forced calm voice I had EVER heard. I brought him to Anna to keep him company. "Val, Matteo, what are you guys doing in here?" She asked quietly. "Well I don't know if you heard, but Stella moved out. And she's leaving me to deal with Luca. If you didn't already hear him scream, he must've figured out none of her stuff is here. He yelled, and it obviously sacred Matteo a lot, and I didn't want to leave him alone so I brought him here. Is that okay?" She looked at me and smiled.

"Of course I know she moved. I'm sorry she's leaving you to tell Luca. It isn't your job. But from what I heard, you can calm him down like no other. It's never been done before either. I wish you luck, and of course, I'll take care of Matteo."

I looked at Matteo and smiled. By now the dogs found their way in here and played with him on the floor. I walked out to Luca pacing. Here I go. "L-Luca?" I said quietly. He turned to me and slowly walked over.

Luca's POV

I didn't want to scare her again. I saw the pure terror in Matteo's eyes and knew I was already way to angry. But I was a mafia leader. I was loud, controlling, felt no remorse. I couldn't contain it. So,

"I'm going to ask again. WHERE THE HELL IS STELLA?!" She looked at me. Obviously scared. But it didn't mean anything to me. She should be scared of me. I don't even know why I was sorry last time. I wasn't truly sorry. Yeah she was an amazing angel and blah blah blah, but I honestly didn't feel bad. Something has been up with me. Ever since she showed up. I'm not going to continue letting this happen. I'm cold and heartless. I've been this way for nine years. Nothing I can do about it. "She.. she.. left.." Those two words, they set me on fire. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE CAN'T JUST LEAVE, SHES SAFE HERE."

"Her, her, husband finally bo-bought their d-dream house, and she's been lliving with you for almost twenty-three y-years." Her stuttering plus the fact my sister left without a goodbye killed me. "STOP STUTTERING OH, MY GOD. And where the hell is she? I bet you don't know, do you? You're useless. Alright. You better tell her I'll find her. Thanks for the information." I felt her hand land on my chest. All that anger melted away. How the fuck did she just do that?

I wasn't going to show her how much her touch affected me. I don't know why I've been so soft with her. That wasn't me. She needed to see the real me. "Take your hand off my chest," I demand. She slowly took it off, and then looked at the floor. Obviously heartbroken. I mean I guess that's good. She shouldn't have any feelings for me. I sure as hell don't. Why lead her on?

I walked back to my room. Luckily when Stella and I were fifteen, Stefano put trackers into our bodies. So I could easily find her. She should've thought this through. I mean she should know me. This wasn't going to be pretty.

Val's POV

What was that? He was so cold. I mean I thought we were closer than that by now. Obviously not. He doesn't have feelings for me, I don't know why I was thinking I was anything special. I did it again. I need to stop.

I went into Anna's room, and she hugged me. She must've heard everything. "Can I take the dogs back to my room Matteo?" He looked up at me and nodded. He must've been very consumed in the show he was watching to let me take the dogs.

I got both dogs to come with me, and I went to my room. I laid down onto the bed and started crying. I don't know why I was crying. He wasn't a soft loving man. He was the bad guy remember? I guess I saw the true side of him today. I guess that's good because now I can stop trying or caring. I got myself to stop crying, and I just laid there. I decided to text Stella and tell her what happened.

Me: Hey Stella. I told your brother. It didn't go very well. I don't know what happened. But he showed his mafia side or whatever, so that didn't go well. He was very pissed when he found out you were gone. Be careful love.

Stella: Hey, I'm so sorry.I shouldn't have asked you. It wasn't your job. I'm sorry everything went bad. Are you guys still good? I mean I loved seeing the happy side of him. It was because of you.

Me: Well. Let's just say I don't think we're good anymore. He seemed pissed and I don't think he likes me much anymore. I might run away. Find people who like me you know? Maybe I'm overreacting. It's only been a day. But if it gets worse, I'm leaving alright? Don't tell Luca. He wouldn't be able to control all that anger.

Stella: Babe. I'm so sorry.I can't let you leave though. You're the best thing that's happened to him. Just stay longer? Like you said. It's only been a day. He'll get over it. Stay strong. I love you.

Me: Alright. I love you too. I'm sorry I made this all about me. How'd moving in go? Are you all settled in? How do you like being able to do whatever you want with him now you're alone?

Stella: I settled in nicely. Also being able to do whatever is so much fun hehe. No one to tell us we can't. Or to stop. I love living with him, Val. I hope you'll feel the same with somebody someday I have to go. Bye love!

Me: Maybe someday, bye.

After we finished texting I felt happy again. I'm glad she was happy. I decided to let what just happened with Luca go, and I fell asleep. I love naps haha.

Authors comments:

Oh? Getting juicy. I think? Yeah I don't know. Just writing. It's gonna get better. trust me.

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