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Chapter 21- Baby shower Pt. 3

3rd Person P.O.V

The doors opened and (Y/n) came out of the doors. The crowd cheered and the song that Yoongi picked started to play.

(Y/n) was rapping along with Nicki as he walked in he met Yoongi halfway and they continued their walk down the isle. They closed the doors and locked them. The music stopped and Jungkook grabbed the Microphone. "First on the agenda is to eat. Then we will reveal the genders to the happy couple." The crowd cheered and then the wonderful food was served along with white wine.

There was alot of small conversation and Yoongi walked around and spoke to people. While (Y/n) sat in the chair and ate while talking to people. Jungkook watched how everything was going very well.  A lot of planning went into this and the planner did a good job at everything.

Yoongi has saw someone whom he haven't met yet and looked at him. "Hello? Can I help you with something?" He asked the male and the man stepped forward. "Oh yes I am here for my brother-" (Y/n) whipped his head towards the voice and his has dropped. "DANIEL!!?" He ran from his seat and pushed past Yoongi and hugged his brother. "I thought you were still in Canada fighting off a wolf tribe?" The male named Daniel smiled. "We won." He looked at him.

"Oh were are my manners. Daniel this is my Boyfriend Yoongi." He smiled and shook Daniel's hand. "Yoongi that's my older brother Daniel." Once he was introduced to everyone at the party people continued to eat their food and wait until the Gender reveal happened. The waitress had the Two glasses that had the colored drinks but covered them with a cloth so that no one could see.

Jungkook walked over and saw Daniel. "So I don't get a hello?" He chuckled. "Hey Kookie. How are things with you?" He asked the male. "Well I have an amazing boyfriend." Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Is he really a good boyfriend?" Jungkook nodded. "Yeah and I love him. You being here won't change that." He smirked and walked away feeling proud to have put Daniel in his place.


Now it was time for the genders to be revealed. Yoongi and (Y/n) had to turn around and close their eyes. The waitress put one cup by Yoongi and another by (Y/n). The crowd kept quiet. "Okay you can turn around and open your eyes." They turned around and there was a pink and blue drink.

"CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!" Everyone cheered and (Y/n) was crying. Yoongi hugged him. "Its beautiful baby." He smiled and pecked his lips which made the crowd aww. He looked at the male and they took a sip from each drink. "That is good." Everyone laughed and A lot of people continued to congratulate the two.

Luna, Chaerin, and Minseok walked up to them. "Congratulations." The all spoke at the same time. "A boy and a girl are being brought into this world. And they will hopefully help in making a change." Luna spoke and hugged them both. "I'm happy to be a grandma of 2 wonderful blessings and I know that they will make a difference." Chaerin hugged them.

"They will be perfect and strong rulers just like you son." He smiled and hugged them both. Then all three looked at each other and started to dance. "We are gonna be the coolest grandparents ever!!" Chaerin cheered and walked off with Luna to talk about vacation plans. Minseok went to talk to Daniel and Yoongi put his hands on the swollen belly of his lover.

Yoongi looked at the drinks and drank the pink one while (Y/n) sipped on the blue one. They sat there eating and drinking. Then the cake came out and was 8 layers. (Y/n) walked over to Jungkook and hugged him. "This was all so amazing kookie! I love it!" He smiled at him and Jungkook hugged back. "Well I'm glad that you are happy." The two walked over to the cake and lit it. Namjoon and Yoongi just sat back and watched. "Wait till you and Jungkook have a kid or 2 I can't imagine what (Y/n) will do. For starters I'd jus say that there will be endless amounts of glitter." Namjoon froze and walked after Yoongi. "What do you mean by that!" Their voices faded as thet walked off.

Jungkook got to the DJ area and grabbed the Mic. "Here is another song once it's over it will be cake time!!" He smiled and the DJ started to play the song.

Yoongi pulled (Y/n) to the dance floor and started to dance with him. Then dancing turned to singing and (Y/n) was singing Ariana Grande's parts. Once the weekend started his part Yoongi sang, which is something he rarely did.

Once the song was finished everyone cheered and then Yoongi and (Y/n) went to take pictures with the cake and all of their friends and family. He cut a piece of cake and gave it to Yoongi. Then Yoongi cut a piece and gave it to (Y/n). Then the waitress came over to cut everyone else a slice.

The couple sat down to eat the cake. It was a good cake. It was a vanilla cake and (Y/n) loved every minute of it. They continued to eat until they were full. Jungkook went to the DJ one last time. "This is the song that will close out the night." He smiled and let it play.

All of the iconic songs were played and Jungkook thought that it was the best way to end a great night.

Eveyone was starting to leave and say their goodbyes. Yoongi and (Y/n) got a lot of presents and they put them into the limo. They had a separate one. This limo was taking them to Yoongi's private house that had all they needed.


Once they arrived at the small home, Yoongi carried (Y/n) inside and laid him on the couch and then brought all of the presents inside. They wanted to open them but were too tired to do it now so once Yoongi was done they walked to the bedroom and stripped of their clothes and showered together with little kisses in between.

Once they were finished with their shower, they got dressed into some bed clothes and cuddled until the fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Jongin and Jackson were slowly working on their plan at home. Jackson smirked 'This will work. And ill get what I want.'

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Be sure to vote and comment! Also let me know what you thought about this chapter! And ill see you in the next one bye lovesss ❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤💕💕💕❤❤💕💕❤❤💕💕❤❤💕💕💕❤❤❤💕💕❤❤💕❤💕💕❤💕💕❤❤💕❤❤❤

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