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Chapter 12- Mother's approval

Yoongi's P.O.V

A few days past and (Y/n) was staying at my house. I was laying in the bed when he was on the phone with his mom. "Okay babe so you are meeting my mom today. Wear your best outfit. I have to head home. She already spoke to Namjoon and the conversation went well. Let's just hope the same happens for you." I nodded and pulled him into my lap kissing his lips. "Okay babe well I'll see you later then." He chuckled and I kissed him.

I watched him leave and I headed into the shower taking my time. I was nervous to meet (Y/n)'s mom but it had to be done in order for her so say that she was okay with us dating. She couldn't say no cause Im already his mate. I took his virginity and everything. I know that sounds bad but that is how mating works from what (Y/n) explained to me. I just hope she doesn't end up killing me. Also Namjoon had some good news but won't tell me.  I wonder what it was.

I finished my shower and ran to my closet with only a towel around my waist. What to wear. I decided on a formal outfit.

I looked over at myself a few times adjusting my tie and I sprayed some cologne on my neck and walked out of my house locking the door

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I looked over at myself a few times adjusting my tie and I sprayed some cologne on my neck and walked out of my house locking the door. I used my vampire speed and knocked on the door. I held two bouquets, Hoseok answered. "Oh hi. Come in." I walked in and handed the pink roses to (Y/n) and I got these daisies for his mother. I placed them on the table and looked at Hoseok. "I want to apologize for how I've been treating your relationship with (Y/n) it's just that change scares me and I don't want (Y/n) hurt but I trust you to keep him safe." I nodded. "You are forgiven."

A woman walked down the stairs next to (Y/n) and I bowed. "Hello." She smiled at me and I handed her the daisies. "My favourite. Hoseok get these into a vase me and Yoongi have things to talk about. Oh and thanks for the flowers." I smiled and nodded. "You are welcome." She led me to the garden and we sat on a bench.

"My name is (L/n) Luna." I looked at her. "You can just call me Luna." I shook her hand and smiled. "Nice to meet you." She nodded with a smile. "So (Y/n) tells me that you are officially his mate. I saw the mark." She smirked. "Now people will know he is taken." We laughed and she looked at me. "I support your relationship and hope that more situations like this happen! My only wish is that you treat my son with the up most respect and promise to love him forever." I nodded. "Yes Ma'am. I promise to love him forever." She smiled. "You have my blessing." We shared a hug and walked into the house. I walked up to (Y/n) smiling at him. I pecked his lips and we walked upstairs to his room. I sat on his bed and was in my lap. "Babe I have some news-" before (Y/n) could speak Jungkook came in the room.

"(Y/n)!" He turned his head. "Yes?" He looked at him and then the glass broke into the room. "Hunters!" (Y/n)'s eyes glowed purple and he jumped out of the room I watched as he froze the hunters but got cought. Namjoon showed up and we ran downstairs. I called in my army and  the vampires worked together with the wolves to take down the hunters.

A group took Luna captive and (Y/n) couldn't save her so I ran in and used my vampire speed to run and gran her. I placed her on the balcony and smiled. "Thank you" she said and I nodded as I went down to fight the Hunters. It took a while but the hunters started to retreat. Hoseok tapped my shoulder as we fought. "Thanks for bringing your army to help." I nodded. "We're family now." The hunters were gone and my Army was mingling with the Wolves.

I ran over to (Y/n) and saw he had cuts on his face. "Love." I held him and kissed his lips. "I'll fix you up okay?" He nodded and Luna started to speak. "Thank you all for protecting our territory! We greatly appriciate it!" She smiled. "Tomorrow night there will be a gala held for Prince (Y/n). You are all invited. Personal invitation will be delivered soon. We hope to see you there." They all cheered and soon went home.

Me and (Y/n) walked back to his room and I started cleaning his cuts and bruises. "Ow." He winced in pain and I kissed his cheek. "Shh baby. I'm almost done." I smiled and kept on healing him.

After a while me and (Y/n) just sat on the bed and cuddled. I wondered what he wanted to tell me so I decided to ask. "Hey babe.." I spoke softly while stroking his hair. "Yes?" He smiled at me and and poked his nose. "What did you want to tell me?" He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I sat up looking at him. "Well before the hunters showed up you were going to tell me something."

He looked like he was trapped in his thoughts before he spoke up. "Oh right." He paused. "I was going to invite you to the gala in a few days." I chuckled. I didn't know if he was lying or not but He wouldn't lie to me about anything. I walked up to the tv and grabbed the remote and I put on Netflix. "What do you want to watch?" (Y/n) looked at the screen. "Anything but the kissing booth. I hated that movie." I laughed. "It wasn't that bad." I rolled my eyes. "Yes. Yes. It. Was." He laughed and I felt myself being pulled on the bed.

I smiled and crawled ontop of him looking into his eyes. "Pick a movie." I pulled him into a kiss and he smiled. "Alright I guess." He chuckled and grabbed the remote looking through Netflix.

I looked at my phone scrolling through Instagram. When we settled on a movie I turned the lights off and got comfortable stripping down to boxers and holding (Y/n) in my arms. "Oh so you're wearing those again" I smirked and bit his hear. "Can't make you scream cause people are home but when they are gone I will." He laughed. "Okay. If we did it when my mom was here. She would've ran in and took the hose and sprayed us with water." I let out a light laugh.

The movie was almost over when I noticed that (Y/n) was asleep. I looked at him and smiled. I turned the movie off, pulled him close and started to fall asleep with him.

A/n: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Be sure to vote and comment! Let me know what you thought about this chapter! And I'll see you in the next one! bye lovesss 💕💕💕💕💙💙

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