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Chapter 10- Heat Pt. 1

Your P.O.V

A few days had passed since Yoongi showed up. It was 5 am when I started to feel all hot and sweaty. I started to feel pain in my stomach and butt area. I looked around seeing that Jungkook was asleep. "K-Kookie!" He Jumped up when I called him. "Yes (Y/n)?" He walked over seeing me squirm and wiggle around. "Fuck- your heat." I nodded and pointed towards the pill bottle. He nodded getting some water and the pill bottle. The pills helped take the scent of my heat off of the alphas noses and reduced some of the pain but it still hurt. And since it was time to find my mate it hurt more.

I took the pills and felt a little bit better. My mother ran in. "Are you alright? I sensed that you heat has showed up." I nodded looking up at her. "Okay did you take the pills?" I nodded. "Alright well I don't want you to leave until you smell your mate. I won't tell anyone that you have heat cause these alphas will be on you and mess up the mating process." I nodded and she handed me some more water. "These will keep the sweating down. Try and get some rest my love." I nodded and she kissed my forehead then walked back to her room.

Jungkook looked at me and smiled stroking my hair. "It's going to be alright (Y/n)" I smiled and he got in the bed with me while we cuddled.

I woke up a few hours later seeing Jungkook sleeping next to me. I smiled softly and nudged him. "Kookie~" he woke up and smiled. Looking at me. "Alright (Y/n). I am completely at your service today. " I smiled and got up. "Thanks Im going to take a shower I smell like a rats ass." I laughed and Walked over to the bathroom with some new PJ's and a towel.

Once I was done in the shower I got dressed and sat on my bed next to Jungkook. "Let's play videogames. It will take my mind off of my heat." I smiled and we started to play. While playing the game my phone went off. I  paused it and saw that Yoongi texted me.

'Hey babe'


'How are you doing?'

'Good, just um
Playing a game with

'Oh okay well do
You want to go
Out today?'

'I can't today, my mom
Needs me to welcome
New wolves to our

'Oh okay well just let
Me know if you need
Anything. Alright?'

'Okay babe.'

I put the phone down and Namjoon started Texting me.

'Hey (Y/n)'


'So Yoongi is uh running
Around the room rn.'

'Oh? Why?'

I looked over and Yoongi had texted Jungkook. "What did he say?" I laughed. "He said that he's worried about you and knows that something is up." I bit my lip. "Say nothing is up and that we are playing the game right now." He nodded and sent the text.

After everything was resolved me and Jungkook were still playing the game when there was a knock on the door. Hoseok has showed up. "Go away asshole!" Jungkook yelled and slammed the door in his face. "Can I just talk to you two?" We both looked at the door. "NO!" We shouted in unison. After a few minutes we heard a sigh and he walked off. As if we would let him talk to us after what he had done this past week.

Flash back starts


So me and Jungkook were on our way back home from being with our boyfriends. When we got there Hobi was sitting on the couch. 'Fuck-' We walked towards the stairs. I could tell he was drunk so I told Jungkook to walk ahead of me.  He walked over and grabbed me and Jungkook throwing us to the ground. "I smell vampire on you."  He started to kick and step on both of us. "Hoseok! STOP!" I yelled and he threw me into a wall and a glass mirror broke above me causing the glass to fall out and stab and cut my skin.

"STOP! We never did anything to you!" I felt tears leave my eyes he threw Jungook into the wall next to me. I grabbed him and we huddled in the corner both of us were bleeding and bruised. He started to throw objects at us. He spit on us a few times.  "You fuckers need to learn to not mess with vampires!" He held up a chair but my mom came in and put Hoseok to sleep. I broke down and so did Jungkook. We told her EVERYTHING. She was a bit surprised that we both fell for vampires but soon relaxes once we told her that she could meet them. I was confused on wether or not she was being supportive. But I knew it was a step in the right direction.

After that broke out me and Jungkook went upstairs. Yoongi arrived a while after and I told him the good news. He was pretty pissed at what Hoseok did but I told him to not worry.


Me and Jungkook were sitting in the kitchen eating some left over deer when Hoseok came in and slapped it out of our hands. "Hey!" He just walked off and started making out with Kyungsoo. I guessed that they already are mates cause Kyungsoo is swallowing his tongue every hour.


I was texting Yoongi and Jungkook was watching TV. He and Kyungsoo walked over and sat right in front of it and started making out. Hoseok stopped and flipped the couch over. Kyungsoo didn't do anything or say shit and me and Jungkook were groaning in pain.


Hoseok came home drunk as fuck and sat on the couch with Kyungsoo trying to fuck him in front of us. Me and Jungkook were sick of it so I encased Kyungsoo in ice and threw him into the lake. Jungkook trapped Hoseok in ice and put him into the earth only letting his head stick out of the dirt.

We went back inside of the house and I woke up today woth my heat.

Flash back ends.

I walked to the kitchen seeing my mom cook and smelled the air taking in the wonderful scent of her cooking. Then I started to get all hot and sweaty and the pain returned. "M-Mom" she turned around and I fell to the floor. I smelled the air and could smell the scent of vanilla. "M-Mom it's time." She nodded and I turned to my wolf form. Jungkook did the same and I followed the scent of vanilla to where my mate was. Hoseok watched us leave and I saw tears on his face. I stopped and licked his face making him smile but then ran to follow the path of vanilla. 'Yoongi here I come.'

A/n: You finally got your heat! Lol. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to vote and comment! And I'll see you in the next one bye lovesss ❤❤💕💕💕💙

My Mate[Yoongi x Male reader]✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora