Chapter 54

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Mark's pov
Jace has been smoking again. It's killing his lungs but I don't think he really cares. The hospital has decided to stop treatments because they're not working. He's just getting worse. They're still trying a few things but for the most part, there's nothing they can do.

"Dad. Can we record a video? I want to tell my fans." Jace asked

"Yeah. Yeah alright bud. Let's go." I said smiling

I walked to Jace's room with him and turned on the camera.

"Hey guys." He started "So, it's been a really long time. I'm uh...they stopped my treatments. So yeah." He sighed as he started coughing, eventually he fought his breath and started speaking again. "I'll edits that out later. Anyway, as I was saying, were not sure how much longer I'm gonna be around. These are my last days. I'll try to keep you guys updated. Buh bye." He said signing off

"You okay bud?" I asked

"Yeah. I gonna have a nap though." I said


I hooked him up to his BiPap and he fell asleep, then I went into the living room.

"How's he doing?" Forest asked

"He's sleeping." I told Forest

"He isn't doing well Mark. I really think it's going to be soon." Forest sighed wiping a tear

I sighed too and gave him a hug.

"Mark, you wanna help with supper?" Sean asked from the kitchen

"Yeah, sure." I smiled walking to the kitchen

I was cutting up tomato while Sean was stiring taco flavouring into the hamburger.

"Jace has support group tonight." I mentioned

"Yeah. He told me this morning while he was up that he wants to go. He asked if I could wake him up." Sean sighed

We worked in science for a few minutes before I heard a sob from Sean. I immediately stopped and hugged him.

"Shhhh, I'm here baby." I said rubbing his back

"We're losing our little boy Mark. He's going to die and there's nothing we can do about it anymore." Sean sobbed

I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I just held him as he cried. Sean has always been much closer to Jace then I have, and this whole thing is just killing him. Soon supper was finished and I went to get Jace up.

"Hey Jace, do you wanna come eat something before group?" I asked him softly

"Yeah, I'll be out in a second." He said turning off the BiPap

We all sat down and ate supper. It was nice to actually be with him. Since he's usually sleeping and doesn't eat a whole lot anyway it was nice. As we always did I drove Jace to support group. He used the elevator, like usual. I decided to chill in the back today, just in case. I pulled up a chair as group started. I had never stayed before so it was interesting. Soon it was Jace's turn.

"Jace, we haven't seen you in a while!" Amelia smiled

"Yeah. I haven't been doing to well to be honest. They stopped my treatments, they weren't doing anything. I'm just getting worse. I feel worse, as I do every day now." Jace said quietly

"We're here for you Jace." Austin said loudly

Austin was now in remission as I had learned. He said it was amazing. Soon group had ended and we left.

Sean's pov
Mark and Jace arrived home and Jace went to bed. Soon Mark and I did too. It was around 12 when Callum came in.

"Sean! Sean get up!" He yelled

I jumped up and immediately knew what was going on. Jace's lungs had filled up again. I ran downstairs and saw Jace, his body trying to find any possible way to get air. I called for an ambulance and knew that tonight was the night. I really don't see his body being able to get past this one. Tonight was the night that the doctors would finally come out and tell us that there was nothing they could do, that he fought hard. The ambulance took Jace and Forest, the rest of us getting in the van. We arrived at the hospital and waited with Forest. Almost six hours later a doctor finally came out.

"I'm very, very sorry. We couldn't save him. The tumours... I'm so sorry." Was all he said before leaving

I could feel every part of me brake. Everything that could have possibly kept me togeather was gone, it left with him. Forest cried, Callum cried, Eilyn cried, everybody cried. It was hard to lose him, he was the smile on everyone's face, the light in the dark, even if sometimes he was also the dark. He was the most amazing child anybody could ever ask for. he was gone. I walked down the hall into his room and I looked at him before they took him. He had a smile on his face and a cigarette hanging from between his lips. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I remembered the day we got Jace, the day he came out. I remembered everything. He was the perfect child. The drive home was quiet and filled with tears. When we got home we all went to bed.

Forests pov
The bed still smells like him. A picture with him in it on the end table. His BiPap still attached to the bed. All his pills were still here, he was still here. I climbed into bed.

"Bub?" Eilyn questioned turning the corner


"Can I sleep in here? Please." She asked

I lifted the blankets and she climbed in with me. We both cried ourselves to sleep that night. He just had to fucking die. "Only the good die young, I've got years baby." He said that to me all the time. Ever time he went into the hospital, every time he cut a little to deep for my liking, just all the time. I woke up the next morning, Eilyn was gone and I was in a puddle of tears. I walked over to our computer and played Jace's cover of Supermarket Flowers and I looked through some old pictures of us. The I realised it. Jace never went to Amsterdam. That was his one wish, he wanted to go to Amsterdam and he never even got to do it. I shook my head and continues to look. Then I came across a letter on the computer.

Dear Forest,
I figure you found this by looking around on the computer after I died. I'm sorry you have to go through it but as I have told you many times before, I was a grenade and I went off. I wanted to minimise the casualtys. There is a box in our closet, it's filled with stuff for you and the others to enjoy. If today is my last good day then I'm glad I could have you as part of it. I'm glad I could have you as a part of my life, even if it was only for a short time, you were everything I could ever for. I hope you get to find somebody and grow old with them, have a family, just like we always wanted to. I'll watch over you from where ever the hell I went. I will watch you all. Someday you'll wake up and hope this was all a dream, and the reality will set in and you'll realise that I'm really gone. Please don't cry because I am gone or cry over the memories, smile because I was there, smile at the memories and the things I have left behind because as long as you remember me, I am truly never gone.

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