Chapter 33

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Froest's pov
Today was very exciting. Jace and I had prom at our school today. Of course Jace had managed to ask me first almost a whole month before prom but I loved him. He's just pulling on his binder bafre he'll let me in, but putting in a binder downtown take this long.

"Jace?" I said knocking on the door

I heard what sounded like a drwar slam closed before the door opened. When I look at Jace his eyes were red.

"Are you okay Jace?" I asked looking at him

He shook his head a little. "Yeah. I'm okay. Now come on, we have to get you ready." He smiled

I walked into his room and our two suits were laying out on his bed. Both of them were exactly the same except for the tie colour. Jace had a green tie, I had a blue tie. We put on our suits and walked down to see Sean and Mark for pictures. Jace is a natrualy born modal I swear to God. His poses for the camera are perfect, not to mention his look.

"Forest?" Jace asked


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just zoned out. Can't stop thinking about your hotness." I laughed

He laughed a little. "Okay babe, I'm not that hot."

"Lies." I said sarcastically

"Whatever. We should get hedding inside." He said smiling

"Okay baby, let's go."

We walked in and the place itself looked beautiful, other than Jace complaining about the High School Musical theam. The first few songs Jace worked his ass off and tired himself out dancing. I didn't know he could dance that well though. I learned that he could probably to a Celtic dance routine if he wanted to. There was a couple of times that he pulled my in to dance with his and it was amazingly fun. Most of the time I had more fun watching him though. Then the first slow song of the night came on and Jace instantly came and grabbed me. It was probably one of the most amazing times right here.

"All of these stars will guide us home." Jace sang as he hugged me close

"I love you Jace." I smiled

"I love you too Forest." Jace said as a large smile grew on his face

Soon the song ended and I went back to my spot on the stage. Then Apple Bottom Jeans came on. Let's just say that Jace, can rock this song. I got up in the forming circle and watched Jace rock and dance with a few kids that he barely knew. However he was having a lot of fun, I could tell just by the look in his eyes when he came to sit down for a minute.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come dance with me?" Jace asked

"Yeah babe. I think I'd brake my neck." I laughed

Jace just sighed and walked back to his little spot on the dance floor. Then a few really crappy songs came on so he can and sat with me.

"How's your night baby?" He asked

"Watching you is amazing." I told him

He softly kissed my lips which I did back in return. Another slow song came on so Jace and I danced. It was just as special as it is every time. We were probably about 45minutes away from the end of the night. So, the Prom committee did their balloon drop. I hear one balloon pop. Jace jumped. Then the second. He jumped again. Then the third. I watched everything in him start to tighten up. By the seventh balloon he was on his way out of the door. I went after him to make sure he's okay. Out in the hallway was the amazing man I love looking like he was ready to have an emotional brake down.

"Jace, baby what's wrong?" I asked

"I c-can't do t-this." He said trying to hold himself togeather

"Yes you can. It's okay. Everything is okay." I told him

"No it's not! I'm losing the one thing that I as a positive reputation in this school because I'm not good enough." He said as a tear finally slid down his cheek

"Jace, look at me." I told him and he looked. "You are good enough. Those people in there can't survive a dance without you here. Remember the time you were a half hour late and everyone said it sucked balls." I reminded him

"Yeah." He said looking like he was starting to cheer up

"Why don't we go back in there and have a good time?" I suggested

"O-okay." He agreed, his breathing still Shakey

The last half hour of the dance flew by. Once we arrived home Jace seemed like he was in a big rush to do something, I just didn't know what. I heard the bathroom door close so I assume he's probably having a shower before coming to bed. After about fifteen minutes I started to worry a little because I still hadn't heard the shower start. I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Jace? Are you okay?" I asked

No reply

"Jace!" I yelled starting to get scared

Still, no reply

"Sean!" I yelled as loud as I could throwing myself into the door

Sean came running and threw myself into the door again.

"He's not answering me!" I told Sean panicking

I threw myself into the door again. Sean ran back over with a key and he opened the door. There was Jace, lying in the bathtub, covered in blood. His eyes were closed, his skin was chilly, but he was still breathing. Mark cane to see what was going on and before he even said anything he pulled out his phone and called 911 (again I'm sorry I don't know if the emergency number is the same in the US as it is in Canada). I thought he was doing so well. He's been clean for three months and now... What happened. I know he got worked up at prom but that couldn't have cause this; could it? Soon the paramedics came. By that point Sean had at least put some boxers and a shirt on Jace. His whole outter thigh was covered in deep cuts. From his knee to his hip was unrecognizable because there were so many cuts. I had done this earlier in the day, not that Jace knew, but I wasn't nearly this bad. Sure I passed out and I was really soar but Jace...he looks like he's already gone.

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