Chapter 52

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Jace's pov
Sean dropped me off at this old church about fifteen minutes away from home. I had decided to take my wheel chair since I had no idea what would happen. Sean came in with me just to see for himself what it would be like in a way. He walked beside me and we finally found a room with about ten people in it. A lady, who I can only assume was the leader of the group came over to us.

"Hello, my name is Amilea." She smiled

"Hi, I'm Jace." I smiled

"Well Jace, why don't you come join us and your dad can go do his thing." She smiled

"Yeah, sure." I sighed and wheeled over to a spot in the circle

I watched Sean wave and then leave. I didn't want him to go, but I also knew this was my chance to try and do something for myself.

"Good afternoon every one. We have someone new joining us today. Jace, why don't you tell us about yourself?" She looked at me smiling

"Um, hi, my name is Jace, I'm Trans." I smiled

"What's your diagnosis?" She asked

"I have lung cancer." I stated thinking that it seemed obvious

"How old are you, and how are you doing?" She asked

"I'm 17, and I'm doing okay I guess." I said with a small smile

"I-If you don't mind me asking, what are you afraid of?" A boy asked

"Oh me? I guess I'm afraid of not doing enough. You know, for my family and stuff while I'm here." I said

The boy smiled and nodded telling me that he understood what I ment. The other people introduced them selves, many of them were in remission. The boy I was talking to earlier was apparently also Trans. When it was his turn he kind of muttered his diagnosis but I still managed to hear it. Stage two ovarian cancer. Poor dude. His name was Austin, he was 16, and he was doing amazing. He shared how he if things kept going the way they are for him he would be in remission next week and he was very excited. After group ended we talked for a while because we were both waiting for our parents. He was actually a pretty cool guy. It was actually pretty interesting to find out he smoked as well. Sean forced to to at least stick to vaping if I absalotly had to smoke because it was less harmful.

"So wait, let me get this straight. Your lungs suck at being lungs, you can't breath half the time, but you still smoke?" He questioned laughing

"Well when you say it that way you make it sound like I'm trying to die." I laughed

"Well it kinda sounds that way." He pointed out

"Yeah, it does, but at least my vape has weed in it. You just have normal cigarettes." I pointed out

"Lucky. My brother would never buy me one of those." He said laughing

"Ha, took my father for me to acquire cancer to buy me one." I said sarcastically. "Oh man you should meet my boyfriend. You two would get along." I laughed

"Sounds like a good time. We should hang out some time." He said

I watched as Forest pulled up with his blue and purple fade paint job on his little Chevy car. I rolled my eyes as he rolled down the window. Forest obviously had just gotten his hair dyed again and he had a big ol' goffy smile on his face.

"Hey baby, who's that?" He asked

"It's Austin. A fellow tranny." I smiled

Austin shot me a questioning look. I smiled at him.

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