Chapter 48

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Forest's pov
We walked into the Great Hall with Harry.

"Wait here." He said stepping inside

We looked around to see some of the other students.

"Well, if it isn't Jace Pierce." A boy said

"That's not my name. It's Jace McLoughlin, I was adopted." Jace told him

"Muggle parents I'm guessing. Did your mum give you up cause your a trany?" He spat

"Me Mum is dying. I t'ought she already was fer years." Jace said his accent getting thicker as he got angrier

"Then why'd she give you up. Faked her death cause she didn't want you?" He continued

Jace looked like he wanted to punch him.

"Baby calm down. He's just trying to make you mad." I told him

"Oh, so you're a trany-fag. And you have a little fag boyfriend too." He laughed

"Dennis, that kind of language will not be tolerated. Keep your opinion to yourself!" A teacher yelled

It was Nevel Longbottom. He was hand-in-hand with another man but I didn't see his face. Nevel gave Jace and I a bright smile and walked into the dining room.

"We're ready for you." Harry said bringing us in

Jace and I wheeled in and followed the crowed. I could see people standing to look for someone. It's actually really cool.

"When I call your name, please come forward. Sorry to draw attention but you two boys in the wheel chair will have to walk up if you can." Ron said with a sad face and continued "Anthony Hubley." He called

Anthony walked up and the sorting hat was placed on his head. It then yelled Hufflepuff and he walked over to the cheering table. Soon it was my turn.

(I don't actually remember Forests last name so I'm praying I get it right here)

"Forest Edwards!" Harry yelled

I stood up and walked up to the stool one kid yelled out at me asking why I was in a chair if he could walk. I just rolled his eyes and sat down. I was placed in Griffindoor. Then it was soon Sam's turn. Sam and Quintin were both also placed in Griffindoor. Now, it was Jace's turn.

"Jace McLoughlin." Harry announced

It suddenly went dead silent. I ran over from the table to help him up. Harry nodded and placed the hat on Jace's head and I realised everyone was staring at him. He turned his head to look at me as I stood holding onto his chair. It was quiet for a minute other then the sorting hat humming. I could see him mouthing "Not Slytherin." After about five minutes the hat yelled Griffindoor. I helped him down and back into his chair. I placed my chair next to his and we sat in front of the table. Soon everyone was sorted and Hermione stood up to speak.

"When did she become Headmistress?" I whispered to Sam

"Probably after Snape died." He whispered back

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts everybody! I expect nothing more then your personal best this year from all of you. We have a few more interesting classes for years 6 and up to choose from. I'd also like to welcome all new students. Now, let the feast begin." She smiled as food appeared

Jace and I ate while we talked to some of the other people near us at our table. It was amazing to meet some of the older students. We actually met another Trans student who told us that most of the time, Hogwarts is a really safe place. After supper we were lead to our commen rooms to get ready for bed. Jace and I changed out of our binders and into baggy sweaters and then we went to bed. Thankfully because we both had legally changed our names and genders we were put in the boys dorm. The other boys in our dorm was Jace, Quintin, Sam, Alex, Dustin, Nick, Kial, and Jackson. We all talked for a while. They all already knew Jace was Trans and they were cool with it, same as when I came out. They actually thought it was pretty sick. We showed them out needles and since it was Jace's injection day he allowed them to watch because why not. Then we all went to bed. Sleep did not come easy as Jace and I didn't sleep togeather. In the middle of the night I heard Jace crying and I ruches over to help keep him from waking anyone.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked

"I-I had a nightmare. I dreamt about Mark." He cried into my shoulder

"What do you mean baby?" I asked very confused

"He... He got sick... Really sick while we were here... And he didn't make it." Jace sobbed

"Shhhh, it's alright, Mark is okay, I promise." I said which seemed to calm him down

Eventually he fell asleep again and I made my way back to bed. The beds were really comfortable here as was the sound of the fire downstairs. The school had also come further in their tech then when it was in the movies but they were still fairly far behind from the Muggle world. Sleep came a little easier after I knew that Jace would get a decent sleep. I don't think he's taking his sleeping meds so I'll have to keep a closer eye on him the next couple days. Tomorrow should me as you muggles would say, magical.

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