Chapter 39

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Jace's pov
"Jace?!" I heard Sean yell

"I'm coming!" I yelled back

I ran down the stairs. I wasn't sure where Mark was. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I was hit by a wave of alcohol smell.

"Sean, have you been drinking?" I asked looking at the beer bottles scattered everywhere

"Onlyalittle." He said, his word slurred

"Where's Mark?" I asked beginning to feel anxious

"Don't you remember, he left me for Amy!" Sean yelled

"S-Sean, you're scaring me." I told him

"Good. My father was right when he said that fear is a good thing." Sean spat

"Sean, this i-isn't like you. You d-don't drink around me." I said

"Alright you!" He yelled standing up and slamming his hands down

I winced at the loud noise and waited for the pain that I remembered so well, even after all these years.

"Please're better then this." I pleaded

"Maybe I was once, but you deserve this you waist of a life." He said slapping me

Just as his hand reached my face I jolted awake, tears streaming down my face.

"Jace, are you okay baby?" Forest asked

"Yeah, just a bad dream I guess." I said wiping my tears

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Forest asked

"No... Not really." I sighed. "I just wanna cuddle with you and go back to sleep."

"Sounds good to me daddy." Forest smirked pulling himself closer to me

I wrapped my arm around him and kissed his forehead. I started humming The Village more so to help me sleep but it helped Forest too. He had an amazing little smile. Slowly I drifted to sleep.

"Mark you did what!" I heard Sean yell as I woke up

Forest was sitting on the bed playing games. I sat up and gave him a hug.

"They've been arguing for almost fifteen minutes now." Forest told me

"What?! Over what?!" I asked getting out of bed to grab my chest binder

"I don't know. They woke me up arguing. All I can say is that Sean seems really pissed." Forest told me

"You want coffee or anything baby?" I asked ignoring the facts that my dad's were arguing

"Some coffee would be amazing." Forest smiled

I walked down stairs to get coffee. Sean really was pissed. Everything went quiet when he noticed me walking into the kitchen.

"Hey buddy, how was your sleep?" Sean asked

"What are you two arguing about?" I asked ignoring his question

"It's no big deal buddy." He assured me

"Sean." I started while sitting the coffee maker down and looking at him. "I'm not stupid and by the looks of it one of you will be leaving by the end of the argument. Aaron and Lila used to argue like this a lot and one of them would always leave."

"We'll work it out bud. Nobody is leaving. I promise." Sean said

"Mhm." I hummed not believing a word

I walked back upstairs and handed Forest his coffee. I sat mine down on the end table next to my bed. I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"Everything okay?" Forest asked

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