Chapter 5

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Logan's POV
Logan! My mum called
Coming! I called back

I ran up the stairs ready to go off camping with my mom and dad. We were leaving for the weekend and coming back for school on Tuesday. I grabbed my stuff that I had by the front door and followed my mom to the car throwing my stuff in the trunk.

Happy eleventh birthday my baby boy. My mom said
Thanks mom. I said

I climbed into the car and sat down buckling my self in. As we made our way onto the highway my mom turned around to talk to me.

Are you excited? Mom asked
Am I ever! I can't wait to go swimming! I said
I bet. And we're going to get to see Yogi Bear. My Dad said
And Bobo. I reminded him

We drove for the next few hours. It was getting late at nite and I was beginning to get sleepy. Dad was driving down the road and a huge mac truck crossed onto our side of the road. I heard my mom scream. My dad tried to turn the car out of the way but the truck was to fast and slammed into the front of our car.

Mom! Dad! I yelled unbuckling myself
I climbed up into the front and began shaking my parents.
Mom! Please wake up. Please. Please dad, wake up. I sobbed

I jolted awake with Evan and Sydney in my room sitting on my bed. Evan bent down and I clung onto him as I cried.

Shh... it's okay. Evan said
Why won't they just stop haunting me. I sobbed into Evans shoulder
I don't know little buddy. I don't know. Evan said

Evan and Sydney sat with me and calmed me down. When I was calmed down enough that they left I grabbed my phone and texted Racesa.

Logan: Hey, I know you're probably still asleep considering it's like two in the morning but I just wanted to say I love you.
Beautiful: No, I'm awake. Wait why the hell are you up at 2am?!
Logan: Nightmare
Beautiful: Same.
Logan: Did you wanna talk about it?
Beautiful: N-not really. I don't think you'd care anyway.
Logan: Hey, I care about anything concerning you. But if you don't want to talk that fine. It's yo to you.
Beautiful: It-it was about my dad.
Logan: Oh?
Beautiful: Y-yah. He did a lot to me.
Logan: That explains the scars. O-on your back I mean, doesn't really explain the cuts on your wrist.
Beautiful: Yah, the scars on my back.....that was things got really bad. The night Aaron found me. A-and my wrist.............was my fault
Logan: One, your dads and ass, feel free to talk to me about him anytime. Two, Aaron? Three, why? Why'd you cut, I mean yah depression and all but.....?
Beautiful: One: maybe later. Two: Aaron was the officer that found me when I was younger. Three: Depression, dealing with memories, etc.
Logan: Okay, that all makes sense.
Beautiful: In my dream my dad was hitting me, calling me worthless, useless, fat, ugly, he-he rapped me.
Logan: You're not worthless or useless, you're NOT fat or ugly, and your dad is an ASS!!!
Beautiful: Logan?
Logan: Mhm
Beautiful: Why do you even love me, I mean, all the things he said are true. I'm not pretty, I'm to self conscious to wear anything tight or sexy, I'm not thin with a six pack like all the other girls. Why me when you could get any girl out there?
Logan: I hate the way you put yourself down like this. I don't care what the other girls look like, I care what you look like and you look amazing. I don't care if you have a six pack or not, I don't care if you're ugly or not (which you are NOT), I don't care if your fat or not (which again you are NOT), Racesa I don't care if you were literally named the ugliest, worthless, useless girl in the world, I would still love you. You are beautiful.
Beautiful: Thanks.
Logan: Don't thank me, thank the truth. Also, did you wanna come on a date with me? Maybe the park or something?
Beautiful: Sure, the park sounds fun. How about tonight?
Logan: Sure.
Beautiful: Alright now you need to get some sleep.
Logan: What about you?
Beautiful: I'll be fine. I'm snuggling with Seán and Mark watching a movie until I fall asleep. I'll see you tonight at 6?
Logan: Tonight at 6 I will be knocking on your door.
Beautiful: Okay, love you.
Logan: Love you too, night
Racesa: Night.

After I stopped texting Racesa I fell back to sleep. I woke up around ten and began to plan our date. I'd take her to this fancy restaurant and then I'd her Evan to drive us home and we'd sit on the roof looking at the stars. I text Racesa and told her to wear something nice. I was just going to wear a dress shirt, dress pants, and a pair of nice black sneakers. Evan said he didn't mind driving us at all, he even said he'd pay for the dinner which I thanked him a million times for. When six finally rolled around I was nervous as all hell. Racesa stepped out in this beautiful dark blue, kind of purple short spaghetti strapped dress and a pair of black flats. Her hair had a small braid on one side that was tied back into a bun with the rest of her hair. She was wearing sort of a skin tone lipstick, blue eyeshadow, and mascara. To say the least, she looked gourous. I stood in awe as she walked down the stairs. She looked very self conscious. When she made it down I told her she looked beautiful and kissed her. I grabbed her hand and walked her out to the car, opening her door for her as she got in. When we arrived I opened her door for her as she got out and then when we got our table I pulled out and pushed in her chair for her then sitting in my own. She ordered a plate of PadThi telling me her mum made it for her when she was little and I ordered spaghetti.

So, Racesa, I wanted to ask you, how-how did you end up in foster care, if you don't mind me asking. I asked quickly regretting it
Well, my mum died when I was about six, from cervical cancer. After that my dad kinda lost it. He'd yell at me, beat me, do other things to me. When I was around eight he began to whip me and rape me. Aaron found me when I was ten. Tied to my bed which was covered in blood and cum, completely naked. I lived with him for a few years, they put me in a foster home last year and then Seán and Mark adopted me. What about you? Racesa asked
Well when I was eleven, on my eleventh birthday actually, my mom, dad, and I were on our way to Yogi Bear campground when a Mac truck crossed over onto our side of the road. My dad tried to swerve around it but it hit the front of the car killing my mom and dad. I was in foster care for about a year when Evan and Sydney adopted me. I explained

Then our food arrived. I picked up my fork and began trying to twirl my spaghetti around the fork but Racesa kept giggling.

What? I asked her
Where you never taught what that big ass spoon if for? She asked
I looked it the spoon a little embarrassed
Here, let me show you. She said

Racesa picked up the spoon and my fork. She put a few noodles on the fork then placing the fork on the spoon spinning it in a circle.

See. She said
Yah, I see. I told her

We went back to enjoying our meal and taking to each other. When we finished we ordered desert. Racesa ordered a slice of chocolat cheesecake, I ordered a slice of apple pie. Once we finished our meal I text Evan and told him to come get us. When he did we drove back to my place. Racesa and I climbed up onto the roof.

Oh god this is high. Racesa said
I don't really like nights either but look at the view. I said
Wow. Racesa said
When it comes to space, you're a lot like Mark in a way. I pointed out
Yah. She said

We were silent for a few minutes. Just looking at the stars.

This night was amazing, thank you so much. Racesa said
No problem. I love seeing you smile. I told Racesa
You know, as much as I want to it may take me a while to fully trust you. Racesa stated
That's fine. Men seem to just be dicks in your life. I said understanding what happened with her dad
Thanks. She said
No problem. I said

I leaned over Racesa and kissed her. I loved feeling her smile under my lips. I loved hearing her voice when she's happy or excited. I loved the way her eyes look and the way her smile looks. I love seeing her happy and knowing that I can pull her away from the darkness. Most of all, I love that she's pulling me out of my depression without even trying. It's like she was just ment to do it.  I smiled to myself at this though. My thoughts were sadly interrupted by Racesa yelling about a shooting star. We cuddled on the roof. Racesa lying on her side placing her head on my chest. She fell asleep me soon following. This was a great night.

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