Chapter 37

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Jace's pov
I woke up in a framiliar white room. The walls were white. The lights were bright.

"Jace!" I heard Eilyn yelled

"Hey Chicki. Are you okay?" I asked her

"Yeah. What about your hand?" Eilyn asked

"It's been better." I laughed

"Thank you." Eilyn said

"For what?" I asked

"For saving me." Eilyn smiled

"That's what I'm for." I smiled

"Babe!" Forest yelled walking in with Chance

"Hey baby, hey Chance." I smiled as Forest kissed me

"How's your back?" Forest asked

"Okay I guess." I said

Then a doctor rushed in.

"You're awake?!" He said suprised

"Yeah? I was only out for a few hours." I said confused

Everyone in the room stared at me.

"W-what?" I asked

"Baby... You were out for almost four months." Forest explained

"What?" I asked tearing up

"I'm sorry baby." Forest said kissing my for head

"Well... Better me then Eilyn." I smiled

Forest just sighed not really knowing what to say. The doctor checked my vitals and stuff and told me that I wouldn't have to stay for much longer. Forest, Eilyn and I sat for a while and talked about what happened and that Eilyn was dealing with it very well. Chance was curled up on the bed next to my feet.

"That's where he's slept for the last few months. The doctors and nurses would walk him because when they made him leave he wouldn't eat. I guess he had to make sure you would be okay." Forest explained

"Probably. He loves his person." I smiled

Then Sean and Mark walked in. Sean looked like he was about to cry and he came over and hugged me.

"We thought we lost you." Mark cried

"Nah. You guys should know by now that I'm a fighter." I giggled

"You think we'd learn." Liam laughed

"Lee!" I yelled

"Hey little dude. I heard what happened. That was pretty brave of you." Liam said smiling

"Yeah. He's so big and tough." Eilyn said

"You must by little Eilyn. I love your beautiful hair." Liam said smiling

"Liam, seriously, came get your daughter before she blows up." I heard Sam's voice say

"Lisa, come here little one." Liam said taking his baby from Sam. "Lisa, meet your uncle Jace."

"When did this happen?" I asked

"About tow weeks after the incident." Sam told me

"She's beautiful. Lisa has her daddy's eyes." I laughed

We all laughed and hung out for a while. Matt came with the rest or Forests brothers and we joked around. A few days later I was told I was aloud to leave. Sean helped me grab everything and he gave me a new binder that we had ordered about a month before everything happened. I grabbed Chance and then we went home. Apparently in the time I was out Forest had practally moved in to my bed room, at least, when he wasn't living at the hospital.

"Are you still sore baby?" Forest asked

"Not really. My hand is still a little sore but nothing that I can't deal with." I smiled looking at the new scare on my hand


"Don't you dare apologize." I told him strictly

"Fine." He said crossing his arms

"Hey, Mark and I are going to town. Do you guys need anything?" Sean asked

"Yeah, can you buy a fake dick and a box of condoms?" Forest asked laughing

"Okay, nothing for Forest. Jace, you need anything buddy?" Sean asked

"Any new video games would be nice. And some junk food." I said

"Cool. Excatly why Mark and I are headed to twon. That and to pick up a few new things for recording." Sean said leaving

"Bye pa!" I yelled

"Bye child!" He yelled back

"Why?" I asked looking at Forest

"Cause why not. It made him blush." Forest laughed

"Oh my. This is why I love you. What do you wanna play?" I asked looking at my games

"How about..... Kiss the boyfriend simulator?" Forest suggested

"That's a game?" I asked confused

"Sure. See." Forest said as he kissed my neck

"Haha, very funny. How about Mario Kart?" I asked

"Okay." Forest shrugged

I put Mario Kart in the Wii. An all time classic right here.

"I get Rosealina!" I yelled

"I get Yoshi!" Forest yelled

We picked our cheracters and picked a track. Let's just say that today I finally had a worthy challenge against me. Forest did seem a little off today but I wasn't going to question it. Mostly he just looked exausted. After we finished a race I leaned over and kissed him cheek.

"I love you." I told him

"I love you too Jace." He smiled

Forest stared at me for a few minutes.

"What?" I asked

"Just looking at you. Taking in everything I love about you. I don't ever wanna come that close to losing you again." Forest said as a tear slide down his cheek

I wipped his tear and gave him a hug.

"You won't lose me baby. Only the good die young; I have years." I laughed

Forest laughed a little too and then kissed my cheek.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." Forest smiled

During our beautiful moment Chance decided he wanted some love too so he walked over and sat on my lap.

"You're getting to big for this baby boy." I laughed

"Nah. He's a lap dog, kinda like you." Forest laughed

I just shook my head and kissed his cheek again. Suddenly I heard a car door close and then Mark and Sean came in the house with another puppy. She looked beat up and abused.

"Mark?" I asked

"Hey buddy. I know she looks bad right now but the shelter just saved her a couple weeks ago. Technically she wasn't up for adoption yet but we managed to get her anyway. Her name is Chicka." Mark said quickly

"She's adorable. Why don't you get her cleaned up and I'll let Chance come see?" I asked

"Sounds good to me." Forest smiled

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