Chapter 12

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It's been a month now, and there was no problem exactly with our relationship.

Class was boring and Andy is still Andy. No one knows that Kellin and I are together but Andy. He found out somehow and it kind of sucks. He's been getting bullied too, and I don't want that. I love him too much for him to get hurt like this, I just can't watch as they hold me back and i was forced to watch him get beaten up. It's just wrong.

"Break up with Kellin, right now" Andy kept saying, "or I'll keep punching him"

"Andy, please stop" I begged "please, I'll break up with him, just stop hurting him. Hurt me instead." I pleaded, and he smirked at me.

"Sounds fun" he laughed. "one will be heartbroken the other will be my personal punching bag"

"just don't hurt him anymore" I silently sobbed.

"As long as you break his heart in the worse way possible, then I'll do as you wish" he walked away. I need to get this over with.

Kellin POV

This has been hell, but I didn't mind. I was like this at my old school, so you know. I got a call from Vic stating to meet him at the park after school.


Walking along the sidewalks, with my head down to cover the bruises. Kicking pebbles as I walk to the park, what does he want to tell me? He's been avoiding me today and I'm getting worried. Did I do something wrong? Oh god, I hope not...

I saw him on the swing, with his back turned to me, so I decided to give him a surprise hug.

"Shit Kells" he muttered, laughing a bit.

"Vic, what's wrong? You've been avoiding me all day" I pouted and he sighed.

"I can't do this anymore" and my stomach dropped.

"D-do what?"

"This Kellin" his voice broke. I felt like a knife just stabbed my heart.

"What? Why? Did I do something wrong? Please Vic, I'll fix it! Don't do this to me- to us"

"I'm sorry" he whispered, walking away. I was left in tears. I could feel my heart split in two. I sat by a nearby tree, basically crying my heart out. We've been perfectly fine. Does he not like me anymore?

"Kellin?" said someone I didn't want to see right now

"Get the fuck away from me"

"Why are you crying?"

"Go away" I said sterner.

"I'm trying to help"

"Leave me alone! Jesus Christ!" I said walking away. He's fucking following me now? He pulled my arm spinning me around, locking our lips together. I didn't kiss back. I felt disgusted by this. It wasn't Vic's lips. I pulled away, "What the actual fuck?"

"Be my boyfriend?"



"No dammit, I just been through a break up, plus, I'm not feeling it right now"

"I'll help you get over it, I promise"

"Leave me alone dammit"

"One chance"

"I said no, Justin"

"Kellin please" he went on the two knees and begged, but I walked away not giving two shit about him right now.

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