Chapter 6

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I woke up before Kellin did. I was facing him, and damn did he look cute. I examined his face from his hair to his jaw-line. I was thinking about the time when he said 'when he was in my place'. But how can someone so cute be in a situation like I'm in?

"Vic, you done yet?" He chuckled and I felt embarrassed. Was I thinking out loud? I notice how his hand were still warped around me, but I didn't care. He opened his eyes, so basically our eyes met.

"You know your eyes are pretty" he chuckled again, and I blushed.

"Here, come on. I'll get you some clothes" he said sliding his feet off the bed, then leaving.

He came back with a pair of clothes and handed them to me.

"Thanks" I said quietly and he nodded.

"Get changed, we're late for school" he chuckled, while leaving. The bathroom was connected to his room, so I went there and took a quick shower, with a spare rag, and got ready quickly.

Kellin waited for me up front.

"Bye sweetie, bye Vic" his mom said as we left. I wish I had his mom. She's so nice, caring, and really pretty. Too bad I wasn't into girls.

There was something about Kellin that always make me laugh. I'm not sure, maybe it's how he says things. And by this, we got to know each other a bit more.

"So... what do you want to be when you grow up?" Kellin asked me, and I shrugged. I didn't really thing about having future because I was suppose to be dead.

"Oh come on, you should have at least one thing on your mind" he said but I shook my head. Not a thing comes to mind.

"Oh, hold on" he said taking out his phone.

"Hey Justin. Yeah it's great here. Nah man. Really?! Cool. Saturday? Alright bye" he sounded happy. He hung up, and looked towards me.

"My friend Justin coming here on Saturday... you guy will be great friends" he sounded excited, too excited, which gave me a hint of jealousy that he was able to make friends. I'm not great with new people so...


School was the usual, obviously. These people never get tired of touturing me do they? I'm like their puppet, thinking that they could do whatever they want with me.

"Vic, wait up" I heard the one and only Jaime.

"Yeah?" I asked in confusion.

"Are you ok?" he asked,

"Never better" I rolled my eyes. What does he want? I walked passed him taking a quick glance behind me, and yup, he's following me.

"What do you want Jaime?"

"I- Well I came by your house last night to tell you something but you weren't there" he whispered the last part

"I was with a friend" I stated,

"Kellin?" he asked. I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but he looked a little jealous.

"Doesn't concern you" I said harshly.

"Please stop with the attitude Vic"

"Oh I don't have an attitude" I said in some high pitch voice, with a fake smile.


"Jaime, I have to go" I rolled my eyes, walking away. I don't know what's going on in his head, but I really don't care. I felt kind of a dick now. It wasn't really, me, to give an attitude like that, but he ignored me since like the 3rd grade. I'm pretty sure I have my reasons.

The closer I got to the house, the sadder I got. What do I tell dad? Do I tell him? Will he even believe me?

I hesitated on opening the door, figuring it would be open.

"Vic, come here" I heard my dad's voice. I froze up, but soon followed my dad's voice into the dinning room. I saw my mom in tears, and my dad was, well he was red.

"Look baby, I-I didn't! Please don't do this" my mom plead. Disgusting.

"Is it" my dad voice broke, "true that your mom what having sex with another man?" he looked like he was about to cry.

I looked at my mom and from the look in her eyes... she wanted me to lie. It'll be my fault if my family broke up into their seperate ways. It'll be my fault. It's always my fault.

What would happen if I lie? Would my mom do it again? And if I don't? Someone in this family is leaving.... Lying wasn't my thing anyways. My dad looked like he wanted the truth, but my mom looked like a different story.

I looked my dad in the eye, and slowly nodded.

My dad started screaming at her and started flipping or dining table over making me flinch.

"He's lying honey" she tried pleading him but it didn't work.

Next thing you know, he wanted a divorce and he moved out.


Even though it wasn't Kellin's business, I told him what happened. He put his hands on my thighs and looked at me deeply.

"It'll be ok" he tried soothing me. I shrugged it off, not really caring. With his index finer, he traced the pattern along my thigh, making me turned on a little. I shook that thought out of my head.

He isn't gay Vic, so stop trying, I thought.

It was getting late and I needed to go home.

I got up from Kellin's bed, said goodbye, and left. I took the sidewalk to my house. It's not my usual route but I felt like it today. The thought of Kellin's face, voice, laugh, basically everything was stuck in my head. A smiled tickled up on my lips before I knew it. I like Kellin don't I? These thoughts never left my head until I got stopped by someone.

Great...whoever this is a mood killer.

"Vic" I heard Jaime say. What's up with him today? Why won't he leave me alone?

"What Jaime?"

"Please... can you hear me out"

"Jaime it's late, I have to go home" I rolled my eyes


"Jaime" I said sternly, not wanting to talk.

"Please Vic" he pleaded softly

"Fine, make it quick" I gave in, and he sighed.


[A/N: wow, 60+ reads. Thank you guys!!<3

Oh and should the next chapter be Jaime's POV or Kellin's POV? Sorry, I'm having trouble deciding! Maybe I'll stick with Vic aye? Sorry for any errors!!!!




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