Chapter 7

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Kellin's POV

After Vic left I put my earphones in. I couldn't get last night out of my head. The way we cuddled up together, and his warmth was just perfect.

I wasn't really excited that Justin is coming. He's my best friend, but he'll just things worst between my relationship with Vic...if we had any.


Saturday came in no time and I was at the airport waiting for Justin. I didn't want to be alone so I tagged Vic along with me. It concerns me, he have been quieter as usual, but I shrugged it off.

"I'll be right back" he whispered, walking away. What's up with him today? I sat down at one of those benches and closed my eyes.

My 5 minutes of peace. Ruined.

"KELLIN BABY!" he said. I groaned and opened my eyes, and forced a smile.

"Justin!" I got up from my seat to give him a hug, and this hug... lasted way to long. I made an effort to, nicely, push him off along with an awkward chuckle.

"Alright let's go" he smiled at me,

"Not yet" I said.

"Come on dudeeeee" he whined, what's his problem?

"Let's just leave whatever boy you came here with" he said and I rolled my eyes. Later I saw Vic walking this way, straightening his shirt.

"Sorry" he murmured.

"Oh, well Justin this is Vic, Vic this is Justin" I smiled. Justin held out his hand, but Vic nodded in response. I guess he's really shy... and I found that adorable.


When I reached his hotel he was unpacking his clothes and singing some tunes.

"How long are you staying?"

"The week, probably longer..." he grinned. My inner self wanted to shout at him for being here so long, but I kept calm.

"Cool" I gave a fake smile,

"So um, that Vic person. Is he your boyfriend?" He knew I was gay, and he accept it.

I wish Vic was though, I honesty, truely did. We could just-


"Sorry, no he isn't" I said, and he sighed. Almost like a sigh of relief?

"How's the fam?"

"Good I guess... Dad still didn't call me back" I said, remembering the thought of my father leaving. It was hard as a kid, to be honest. We'd do the craziest shit and have a good time. But when he left, I felt a part of me gone. He left for another woman of course. I could hear my mom cry sometimes, and it was hard for me to sleep, not just by her crying- in general maybe. Sometimes I don't really think he cares about me- or us anymore, I don't think he misses us in anyway...

"Kellin?" Justin snapped me out of my thoughts. "deep thoughts about your father again?" he chuckled knowing it wasn't my first.

"I guess, I'll see ya later, hanging with Vic this afternoon" I said.

"Can I come?" He asked and I thought about it. I really wanted to be alone with Vic but I can't hurt his feelings... maybe I'll hang with him tomorrow.

"Maybe tomorrow Hills" I smiled at him and he nodded, continuing unpacking. I walked out of the building walking towards Vic's house. I was so eager to see him again, it been a long day, trust me.

I knocked on his door, and heard yelling. Who's yelling? I put my ears to the door and heard a female voice. Then Vic's.


"You're always ruining my damn life-" is she still hung up on the affair? Wasn't she the one I do it? "-I can't take it anymore! I want you out!" she yelled.

"I-I'm sorr-"

"Sorry my ass Vic" she spat harshly, making me flinch. Is she kicking him out? I heard Vic crying, and it made my heart sank.

I put my hand on the door knob, so I can my ear closer to the door, without loosing my balance. All I'm basically hearing is that his mother is yelling at him to leave. I fixed my hand properly on the door knob, accidentally twisting it open.

I saw Vic in tears and his mother, well, his mom was in tears too.

"Isn't it your faggot of a boyfriend Vic?" she gave a harsh chuckle.

"What the hell?" I said

"Why don't you live with your boyfriend here" she said again.

"M-mom please" Vic plead.

"Mrs. Fuentes... what are you talking about?"

"Your boyfriend-" boyfriend. Vic, and boyfriend. I wish it was like that... "-ruins my life so you take him!" she turned to me.

"Last time I checked, YOU ruined your life. Your fucking married and having an affair with someone else. That was your fault" I spat. There was a lot more I could've said, but I decided not to. I mean, I'm trying to keep my cool.

"Excuse me?"

"You damn right heard me! Stop blaming shit on Vic! You treat him like freaking garbage. What kind of mother tells their son they're a mistake? Huh? I hope you die in hell, because my boyfriend and I have something to do" I said not thinking. Realizing I said boyfriend, I could see Vic's eyes popping out. I grinned at that, he is so adorable!

I took Vic's hand and left his house.

By the time we reached to the park, Vic decided to speak up.

"Kellin.." he said


"Back there, you said I was-" he turned red before say the boyfriend part. I smiled at him, rolling my at the same time.

"I know what I said" I chuckled, making this awkward. I looked awkwardly down to his lips. I wonder what it taste like...

I went over to the swing, and he followed.

"You know..." I broke the silence, causing him to look up at me. Before we sat down on the swing, this will be the moment I kiss him right? Listening to my surroundings, there isn't anyone around-meaning no sign of Justin coming and ruining my chance...

"I've been thinking lately," I paused. Do I tell him I like him? Gosh.... so much pressure.

"And?" he asked, wanting me to go on. I'm failing at this horribly! I sighed and leaned to kiss him, and right when our lips touch I heard,

"That's sooo going on Facebook"



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