Chapter Twenty Four

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Love Like Boomerang
Book Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Rose's POV
!Edited And Lightly Rewritten!

The drive to New York was cruel. I had time to think and dwell about my past and current actions. What I realized is that fear.. is a son of a bitch. My whole life I've been running from every situation I've been in that was uncomfortable or that I was unsure of. . . I ran away from Jayden out of fear..

With every action good or bad, there's a ripple effect.

I hurt people that I care about while trying to run and hid from my own problems. I tried to make people understand my actions and believe them for a long time when honestly, I didn't believe them myself.

I knew the truth. . . and I was so annoyed ashamed of it that I lied and lied and lied. . . I was tired of lying about it. This had gotten way out of hand and had to end.

I knew where club Ali's was. I'd passed it a few times when Jayden and I first moved here. It was a pretty big club. . . so I've heard.

I drove around the parking lot hoping that I'd see Jayden's BMW parked somewhere. Unfortunately I didn't.

I parked my car in the clubs parking lot and checked Jayden's facebook on his tablet. His location was still on. I already knew he never turned it off.

He was still here. . . He was just tagged about two minutes ago in a picture of himself taking a shot.

I knew that didn't necessarily mean he was still here and I still couldn't believe that I was putting all of my faith into facebook but I had hope and I'm a persistent girl. Besides. . . I already drove all the way here.

I took out about twenty dollars in case I had to pay to get in and my ID from my wallet and got out of my car.

The closer I got the louder the music got and the more I began to see and hear Rowdy drunk people. I didn't have to pay to get in, thank God, but I did have to show my ID of course.

The club was dark  it had blue and purple fluorescent lights bouncing around. It looked just like any other night club. Nothing made this place seem any different to me except the size of it. It was very spacious and yet, it was absolutely packed.

I looked for Jayden for about twenty minutes. I pushed through crowds of people, stood by the bathrooms for a little while to see if he was in there but nothing. . .

I had never felt like such a creep in my life. . . but at this point, I didn't even care. Not even a little bit.

After a half hour of searching for him in this big ass club, I was now definitely frustrated and overwhelmed and began to think that he really left.

I made my way to the bar in the back because I hadn't checked there yet and in all honesty, I was a little tempted to buy a drink. . .

I knew I stuck out like a sore thumb here. I was the only female that wasn't dressed up and in heels. Everyone in New York seemed to always dress to impress no matter where they went.

I browsed through the crowded bar of people, trying my best not look creepy by staring everybody in their face.

I then saw a familiar face. One of the guys that were in the pictures tagged on Jayden's facebook. I quickly approached him and the pretty dark-skinned girl he was talking to.

He stared at me weirdly and said, "What's up? Do I know you?".

Right when I was about to answer, the guy on the bar stool next to him, who was wrapped up in a females arms turned around to face us. I had found Jayden. . .

"Rose?!", he quickly removed the girl's arms from around his neck and stood up, "Rose, what hell are you doing here?!".

I could tell he was already drunk. . . If his voice didn't give it away, the tired look in his eyes did.

I groaned because taking to him just became one thousand times harder.

"Rose?", Jayden's friend whose name I forgot asked surprised, "Your baby mama, Rose?", Jayden drunkenly nodded in response.

I ignored the baby mama term and focused on Jayden, "I came to talk to you", I told him loud enough.

"Shitty timing", he took a chug of his beer.

"I know. . . but it's really important. We should talk about JJ".

"What about em? What do you want?".

"I just wanted to talk. . . Try to work this out".

"It's a little late for that. What else do you want? Money? Did you come all the way here for some money?".

"Jayden, you know damn well. I didn't come here for some money", I could feel my body growing hot with anger.

"You must've come here for money. . ." he said pulling out his wallet and taking all the money of it.

"I just wanted to talk to you Jayden, If your too drunk to do that right now then we can talk tomorrow".

"Here take the money. This is why you're here. Take it", he pulled me closer to him and tried to put the money in my hand. When I refused and continued to push the money away he became more forceful, "Take the fucking money and leave me alone!!", he yelled in my face as he roughly pulled me into him and tried to force the money in my hand.

I finally snatched the money from his hand and shoved him away from me, "I don't want your fucking money!!", I shouted as I threw all of it at his face.

By that time I was already trying my hardest not to cry in front of all of these people but I was angry. . . with Jayden and with myself for allowing things to get this bad.

Jayden stood there panting from his anger much like myself and stared at me with watery eyes.

"Fuck you for even thinking that! You know me Jayden! . . I just wanted to fix things!".

"Nah, the Rose I knew would've never done what you did. I don't know you", he sadly said.

He turned away from me and left and disappeared into the crowd. Everyone at the bar around us was quiet as they watched the drama unfold".

Jayden's friend approached me with a sympathetic look on his face.

"You okay?", he asked.

I wiped my wet face and nodded, "I'm fine".

"You know he's just drunk, right? I'm sure he didn't mean to be rough with you like that".

"I know", I nodded and I tried to calm down, "He's drunk, that's all. . . I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your night. I just wanted to talk him. I didn't know this would happen".

"You don't have to apologize to me. Just fix whatever yall got going on. He ain't right. He ain't been right since I met him and I know that has a lot to do with you. He was cool when he moved back out there with you and your fam but now. . . he's back to his same old depressed bullshit. . . which has everything to do with you. I ain't the one you need to be apologizing to".

Hearing that from someone I didn't even know hurt me even more but I definitely deserved it to hear it.

"He didn't drive here did he?", I asked.

"Nah, my brother drove us".

So that means he couldn't have gotten far, I thought to myself.

"Thank you".

He definitely shouldn't be out there alone right now. I know he angry at me but I don't want him to hurt himself or someone else out of anger.

I left the club in search for Jayden.

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