iii. Steve Harrington

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Lila knew her parents were murdered but nobody believed her, not even her aunt Krista* who had taken over the role of guardianship until the seventeen year old turned eighteen. But she knew the truth and she would stop at nothing to prove that Hawkins National Laboratory was behind their death.


Darlene and Jared Harris were scientists employed by Hawkins National Laboratory's and their work for them caused their death. But that wasn't what people were told, arson wasn't even thought of. But they had people who could make it look like an accident, Delilah knew this. Delilah also knew her parents were killed, she knew it in her soul. She knew the moment they came rushing in like wildfire collecting files from their office and taking it to the garage where they were burning said files. They wouldn't tell her what was happening and told her to stay inside. She went back to her homework and didn't notice anything wrong until the garage was engulfed in flames. She went outside and screamed like a mad woman trying to open the garage door but the door handle was too hot. She started banging on the door pleading for her parents to be fine. But she knew they weren't. She was dragged away from the scene by firefighters as they put the fire out and in the wreckage was her parents bodies. She didn't cry at the funeral because they were there. She wouldn't let them see her weakness and make them think they won. Because they might have won this battle, but she would win the war.


Delilah is fierce. She is not a docile woman at all. People in school know not to mess with her because she has two very distinct personalities and they are both fighters. One is the fight for myself side and the other is fight for others. She is very loyal but if you cross her she'll never forgive you. She

Delilah and Steve are neighbors and have been friends for many years. This is a slow burn because of Nancy, but once Steve and Nancy break up he runs to Delilah for help and they use each other for sex. But Steve wants more and at first Delilah isn't about that because she is focused on her vendetta, but she realizes she needs Steve.

I have had this in my drafts forever but recently decided to put it in my shop. I had Lizzy Caplan playing her aunt, Isla Fisher playing her mom, and Kevin McKidd playing her father. Her aunt is also kind of wild and unreliable but after the death of Lila's parents she knows what she must do. She plans on leaving after Lila turns eighteen.

Lila's parents worked on the child experiments. Then when Eleven made contact with the Upside Down they realized what they did and wanted to destroy their research so they labs couldn't create more children. They were planning on burning the files and leaving town with Lila in the morning before school. Lila will stop at nothing to bring down Hawkins Lab and in season one Brenner threatens her life if she doesn't stop but she doesn't care. She'll give up her life to prove they're evil.

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