Chapter 30:edited

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Chapter 30

*jasey is six months pregnant*

"Niall you can't leave me alone tonight, you were out last night and didn't even get home tell three in the morning!"

"I can do what I want Jasey. Stop telling me what I can and can't do damn it!"

He slammed his fist on the counter witch caused Jay to flinch back.

"I am six months pregnant while you're out partying and having fun. Niall it's not fair you can't just leave me every night and then come home the next morning! Why don't you fucking get that?" I yelled at him.

"Maybe I leave every night cause you're constantly yelling at me or ordering me around like some slave! Ever think of that Jasey?"

"You know what go just leave but when you come back I won't be here." Niall froze.

"What? Where are you going?" I shrugged.

"I'll go to Thaiss and Luke's place."

"You can't jus-"

"Yes I can fucking hell Niall! You leave almost every other night so I can't fucking leave if I want to!"

I pushed him out of the way and went to our room packing a bag.

"Jasey please you don't have to leave."

"It's better this way I'll be back but I'm leavening. Bye Niall."

I grabbed my bag that had random clothes and other things and left.

"Sorry that it's such short notice Thaiss."

"It's okay. I'm glad to see you."

I hugged her and then we sat on the couch.

"So where's Luke?"

"Oh he's with Calum they're doing something special for me or something. I don't know I'm just gonna go with it." I laughed.

"Sounds interesting." She nodded.

"Yeah so how are the boys?"

"Killing me slowly." We both laughed.

"No they're good. Heathy and making me eat the weirdest shit ever but other then that I can't wait to have them."

Thaiss smiled. "Well I'm going to be the best Aunty ever."

"Oh I know you will."

*Three days later*

"Niall you can't just come in here and demand I leave!"

I yelled at him. Thaiss and Luke were out getting food when Niall came in yelling that I needed to leave.

"Dammit Jasey just leave with me!"

"Why should I? You just leave me all the time anyway."

He groaned. "Please Jasey just come home."

I decided that I would go home just because I felt that I was invading Thaiss and Luke's space. I left a note telling her that I left and to call me later then I left with Niall.

*later that night*

"Hey Niall what do you want to eat for dinner?"

I yelled at him since I was in the kitchen and he was in the living room. After I asked him he walked in.

"Um actually babe I'm going out so I can just get something while I'm out." I screamed then calmed down.

"Of course why would you stay and have dinner with your fiancé who's pregnant with your sons. I mean that would just be just stupid wouldn't it!" I fuming.

"I'm sorry Jay." I glared at him.

"Don't Niall. Save it for someone who cares."

After that he tried to give me a kiss but I pushed him and told him to fuck off so he left. As soon as I heard his car leave I bursted into tears. I was so mad and upset it wasn't pretty. When I finally calmed down I got up and made myself dinner.

Niall finally got home five hours later at eleven pm.

"So where have you been?" He froze for a second the shook it off.

"I was out looking at things."

"Oh did you get anything?" He shook his head no.

"I'm gonna make some popcorn you want any?"

"No I'm gonna head to bed night Niall."

"Night Jay I love you."

*four in the morning*

I woke up and had really bad pains. That's when I realized that I was going into labor.

"Niall get the hell up!" I yelled at him and then hit him. he groaned and opened one eye.

"What Jay?"

"I'm going into fucking labor that's what Niall."

And here's the update! thanks for reading love y'all!

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