Chapter 17: edited

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Chapter 17


Jasey has been hanging around with Niall a lot lately. I don't trust him at all. I think he's going to use her. But it's her life so I'm not going to say anything, yet.


Niall and I have been hanging out almost everyday, on the weekends and when I got off of work. So when he called me today and told me that he didn't want to hang out today I knew something was up. So I called his mate Harry.

"Hello? Jasey."

"Yeah it's me. Are you and the boys doing anything today?"

"No why?"

"Do you know what Niall is doing today?"

"Erm...I think he's taking some girl out."

"Wait. Ashley?"

"No no. Some new girl I dunno what her name is."

"Okay, thanks Harry. I gotta go now."

"Okay later."

I hung up. He blew me off for some girl! He could have at least told me god dammit that boy! He makes me so angry some times. I decided to call him.


"Hey Niall! How's it going?" I decided to see if he would tell me what he was doing.

"It's going good. You Jay?"

"I'm just peachy. So what are you doing?"

"I'm getting ready to-" He cut himself off.

"Ready to what Ni?" He didn't respond.

"Ready to take the girl aren't you? Why didn't you fucking tell me Niall?"

"I'm sorry Jasey. I really am. I just-fuck I don't know why I didn't tell you. Wait. Who told you?"

"Someone. Now I have to go now. Bye." And I hung up.

He tried calling me back a couple of times and he texted me but I ignored him. I decided that I was going to hang out Thaiss all day.

"Hey why aren't you with Niall today?"

"He blew me for some girl." I whispered.

"Oh Jasey. I'm sorry."

I shrugged.

"I'm not really sad, I'm angry. I mean why didn't he just tell me?"

"Jasey I think he didn't want to hurt you, so he didn't tell you. But I'm still going to beat his ass now."

I laughed.

"Thanks Thaiss."

The rest of the day we sat around eating junk food and watching cheesy romantic movies in Netflix. It was all I needed really. I realized that I was depending on Niall too much. So I'm going to lay off seeing him all the time and I'll tell you now it's not going to be easy for me.

Later Luke came over and we all hung out but after a couple hours I went to my room. I looked at my phone. 8 missed calls and 17 new text messages. They're all from Niall. I opened some texts.

Hey Jay I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Call me when you can!x

Jasey please call me back!!!

I know I should have told you and I am so sorry that I didn't. Please call me back!xx

That was only the half of them. I took my phone and threw it in my nightstand draw and shut it. I was done with him right now, I just need to be alone.

I'M BACK! Anywho...i don't really know how I feel about this chapter. Thanks for all the reads!

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