Chapter 6: edited

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Chapter 6


Today was Friday and I still didn't know if I was going to meet him at the park. It was my day off and honestly I just wanted to stay home blast some music and read all day.

Which is what I've been doing until now. Now I'm laying on my bed deicing if I should meet him or not. I didn't want him to bother me everyday if I didn't go but I didn't know if he would try to pull a move on me. After two hours of battling with myself I decided I would meet him at the park.

I showered, straighten my hair and put on some mascara. I pulled on some black skinny jeans and an All Time Low tee shirt with my black Chuck Taylor's. I was happy with my appearance for tonight. I grabbed my bag, got in my car and headed to Holiday Park.

When I got there, there were candles lit all around a blanket where Niall sat. If he is thinks trying to be romantic is going to get me to fall for him again then he's dead wrong.

I've already fell for him once and got my heart broken I don't need it again.

"I thought you said this wasn't a date?" He chuckled.

"It's not. It was just dark so there are candles so you can see."

"And the blanket?" I pointed to the fuzzy blanket on the ground.

"Well I mean would you like to sit on the wet grass?"

"Not really." I looked down embarrassed.

"That's what I thought." After a couple minutes of silence Niall finally broke it.

"So the reason you're here."


He paused and then looked at me. "Look Jasey. I really did-do love you. I didn't ignore your call or texts on purpose, I swear. I did try to call you to tell you I made it but my phone died and I tried my mate, Zayn's phone but you didn't pick up. After I got it charged Simon told us we weren't aloud to talk to anyone expect for our families on the phone. He didn't want false rumors spread about us. Even though they are spread all the time now."

I am not going to cry. Suck it up Jasey he's lying to you. But what if he's not?

"I'm not asking you to forgive me right away I just want you to know the story before you hate me forever."

I looked him in the eyes. You could see that he wasn't lying but I wasn't forgiving.

"Niall I-"

I was cut off by Niall's lips brushing mine. I felt weird butterflies in my stomach. No I am not falling for him again.

"Niall I can't."

HELLO! Here's the update everyone. You can follow me on Instagram @lovelaughhoran that's all for today folks!

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