Chapter 5 : edited

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Chapter 5


It has been a week since I saw Niall. He's been all over the news lately, something about their new album or something about him going to clubs.

Honestly I didn't care, he has millions of other girls that care about him, so why should I? Oh yeah maybe cause I still like him? No you don't Jasey stop thinking about him.

I decided to walk to work today since it was a reasonably nice day in London.

I opened the door to the café to see Nathan running around to all different tables.

"Jasey! Help me out here!"

I laughed.

"All right what tables do I need to cover?"

After a mad rush at lunch it was slow not many people coming in. So Nathan and I just messed around.

"Natie I bored." I whined.

"You sound like you're 5 stop Jasey."

I pouted. "I do not."

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

"Do to!" We were interrupted with coughing.

"Um sorry to interrupt but can I have a water please?"

I turned to see the one and only Niall Horan.

"No you may not, but thanks for asking."

Nathan glared at me. "Is that all?"

"For right now yeah."

Nathan nodded and went to get him a water.

"Why are you here?" He looked a little taken back by my attitude.

"Sorry that I came for some dinner. Didn't know I had to get permission to come here."

He snapped back at me.

"Oh no THE Niall Horan doesn't need permission, he just does what he wants.If you could do me a favor and leave, thanks."

Before he could respond Nathan came back with his water.

"What can I get you to eat?" I groaned at how nice Nathan was being.

"I'll just have a ham sandwich please."

"Alright should be out soon."

Nathan went and put the order in while I glared at Niall.

"Okay. I know I'm good looking, but could you try not to make your staring so noticeable?"

"Really? I wast staring at you, I was glaring." I paused. "Man all that fame has gone to your head hasn't it?"

He looked at me and just shook his head. What the hell? Before I could ask him anything his food came out.

"Here you are. Anything else you need?"

"Nope. Thank you."

While he was eating I happened to glance at him and noticed he was staring at me.

"Niall look, I know that I'm gorgeous but could you not make your staring so noticeable?"

He just chuckled and turned away. Nathan came up to after he handed Niall his bill.

"He wants to talk to you."

"That's great. I'm not talking to him."

"Yeah. I noticed you only yell or flirt with him."

I opened my mouth to protest but Nathan cut me off. "Don't even try to hide it love you know you do. Anyway just go see what he wants."

I groaned.

"Fine." I walked over to him. "Yes?"

"Oh wow you actually came over here. I thought you weren't going to."

He was shocked.

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever. What do you want?"

"Oh right. Will you meet me at Holiday Park on Friday night at 8pm sharp?"

He was not asking me on a date! Are you kidding me?

"It's not a date. It's for me to explain everything to you."

I didn't think this was a good idea.

"Okay how about you think about and if you want to come then you know where to fine me. If not I'll just bug you everyday at work."

"Everyday?" He nodded.

"Every single day, Jay!"

"Don't call me. You lost your privilege to call me that 4 years ago."

He looked down.

"I'm sorry. But think about it will you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'll think about Niall."

Hello beautiful people! So here's another chapter! I'm off to go to my brothers play thanks for reading!

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