Chapter 4 : edited

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Chapter 4


When Niall asked to talk to me I wanted to say no but I also wanted to know what he had to say for himself. I finally gave up and nodded yes.

I grabbed his hand and headed to the back room for more privacy.

"You have 5 minutes, go."

He took a breathe and nodded.

"Listen Jay...I'm sorry..I tried to stay in touch but-"

"No. You didn't! I called you and you ignored me, I texted you you ignored me. You know I even went to your show with my friend, you looked straight at me and I thought you realized it was me but you didn't and I was heartbroken Niall. You literally ripped my heart out and stomped on it."

I paused to breathe. "You left me with the thought you would call me after and we would maybe have more than a friendship but I was wrong."

I turned and walked over to Nathan.

"Hey Nathan can you cover for me please?"

"Yeah but you owe me Jasey."

I nodded. I ignored Niall calling my name and walked to my car and drove home.

Whats up guys? Well heres another update! Yall should go and read a story called Depth by thankyouzayn , its really good and I just love her! Thanks for reading!

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