Chapter 3: edited

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Chapter 3


"I need food lads!" I yelled at the boys.

We had gotten back from the tour 3 or 4 days ago.

"Let's get food!!" I yelled again.

"Where should we eat then?"

Liam asked. Everyone paused and thought.

"How about we just walk around until we find a place to eat?" Louis suggested.

We all agreed and started walking around. When we were walking around Harry pointed out a small little café and screamed

"Lets go there!"

We all headed toward the café. Once we got there we all sat down. After looking through the menu I decided on what I was getting. They boys and I were talking while waiting for a server to come when a brown haired girl walked in.

She was talking to a waiter and then looked at us. She was beautiful. She may seem like an average girl to most guys but she was perfect to me. When I turned my head for a second she ran to the back with the waiter. A couple minutes later she came back out and walked toward us.

"Hello. I'm Jasey and I'll be your waitress for today. What can I get you all to drink?"

Wait...Jasey. The only Jasey I know was American and she was American. I was staring at her.


I whispered to her. But she ignored me. All throughout lunch I tried to get her to talk to me but she wouldn't. That's when she brought the check and was about to walk away I grabbed her hand.

"Jasey please, can I talk to you?"

She stared at me. It looked like she was having a mental battle with herself. The she nodded and said yes.

Okay so surprise I updated! Only cause I didn't go to school today. Opps. Well the next chapters well be better! Thanks for reading!

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