Chapter 18: edited

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Chapter 18


Last night my phone kept vibrating and I knew they were from the same person. Niall. I need time before I talk to time though so I've been ignoring him since last night.

"Thaiss I'm going to go get hot chocolate want some?"

"It's almost 70 degrees outside, why the hell are you going to get hot chocolate."

I shrugged. She shook her head.

"You're such a dumb ass, I swear."

I flipped my hair.

"I try. I'll be back later love ya!"

"Love you too!"

I went to the local cafe and order a hot chocolate. The waiter that brought me my hot chocolate was really tall, he had blonde hair but I could tell that wasn't his natural hair color.

"Your hot chocolate."

He handed it too me.

"Why thank you."

After about 30 minutes of sitting at the small table in the corner the waiter came over to me and sat across from me.


"I'm Michael."

He held out his hand for me to shake and I shook it.

"I'm Jasey. It's nice to meet you."

He shook his head no.

"The pleasure is all mine."

He wasn't British I could tell. It was...Australian I believe.

"Are you from Australia?"

"Born and raised there until I moved here a couple months ago. Your American."

I nodded.

"So why are you over here? America is great."

"I've lived here since I was about 6."

"Ah. So why don't you move back?"

I shrugged.

"I've lived here basically my whole life so I don't see a reason to go back."

Michael nodded.

So I'm going to ask you question."

"Okay shoot."

He paused before looking me in the eyes.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I shook my head no. When he asked me that my thoughts went straight to Niall.

"Well then, would you like to go on a date with me next Saturday Jay?"

"Please do not call me Jay."

I whispered.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

I cut him off.

"It's fine and that would be lovely. Here's my phone number I have to get going."

I have Michael my number and then said goodbye.

"Honey I'm home!"

I walked into our apartment only to see Niall sitting on the couch.

"Why the actual fuck are you in my house?"

He got up and walked around the couch to me.

"Jay, Thaiss let me in."

"Okay I don't really give two fucks. Why are you in my house!"

"I just wanted to talk to you, please calm down."

As Niall was explaining why he was taking this girl out I stopped listening and just started staring at him. I realized that I liked the way his lips were a pretty pink, how he styled his hair in a quiff , how you could see his natural brown roots, how he talked, how he started to ramble when he got really nervous.

I liked his laugh, how funny he was, how he was caring. I realized then that I liked him. I like Niall James Horan.


When I was telling Jasey everything I realized she wasn't listening anymore but I still kept talking. While I was talking I realized something. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I liked her. I liked the way her hair was just below her shoulders, how insecure she was.

So insecure that when she stood up she crossed her arms in front of her when she didn't need to be. I liked how when she laughed her mouth was wide open and her laugh was silent most of the time, how her eyes were a light brown, how her lips were plump and how perfect she was to me. I like Jasey Ann Rae.

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