30 | Counting on Forever

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My eyes filled with tears and I swallowed over the lump in my throat. I guess it hadn't been such a far-fetched idea; too bad it wasn't the explanation. "Actually, Jane, he never called."

"He didn't?" she asked, her voice rising a little. "Really?"

"Yeah. Maybe he just got stuck at the job site and he'll call today or tomorrow," I said hopefully.

"I'm sure that's all it is," Jane agreed, but she didn't sound completely convinced.

"Call me if you hear from him?" I asked.

"Of course. Same to you. Take care, Rachel," she said. "I have to run, late to work."

"All right," I said, a tear sliding down my cheek. "Have a good day, and I love you guys."

"We love you too, Rach," she replied, and the call disconnected.

I threw my phone down on the bed and then flopped down on my belly, my head buried in my pillow.

Stop jumping to conclusions, Cross, I chastised myself. Everything is fine.

Panama City Beach, Florida


"Everything is fine," I called to Brooke over Lillian's cries. "She just needed a diaper change!"

"All right," she called back from the bathroom.

She was taking a bubble bath, something that I insisted she do every chance she got. She stayed home during the day every day with Lillian, and it was the least I could do to give her a break in the evenings.

I took Lillian in my arms and sat in the rocking chair in the corner, soothing her cries. After a few moments, she settled and was asleep.

Brooke came out of the bathroom a few minutes later looking at her cell phone, her eyebrows knitted together.

"What's the matter?" I asked, standing up and placing Lillian gently in her crib.

"This text from Rachel. Did you talk to Miles yesterday?" she asked.

I shook my head. "No. Why?"

She held out her phone to me and I read the text, a nagging feeling of dread creeping up on me.

Can you ask Luke if he talked to Miles yesterday? We had a Skype phone call planned and he never called... He didn't call their parents either. Brooke, I'm trying not to be worried but I'm freaking out. I have a really bad feeling.

I handed Brooke her phone back and chewed my lip. "It's probably nothing."

"Right," Brooke said, sitting on the end of the bed and towel drying her hair.

"I mean, it's just one Skype call," I pointed out.

"True, but... they only get to talk like once a month. You know how much he looks forward to talking to her, plus, he knew it was almost time for Lillian to be born. Why would he miss that call?" she responded.

I raised my eyebrow. "That's also true. But come on, B. We shouldn't jump to conclusions. Anything could've happened – maybe the connection was bad, maybe he had to work late, maybe he got in trouble and got his phone privileges revoked."

She considered this and nodded, a little more confident. "Yeah. That's probably it. He's fine," she said, standing up and pulling on some shorts and a long-sleeved shirt. "You ready to eat?"

"Just the question I was waiting to hear," I said, kissing the tip of her nose and pulling her toward the kitchen.

Tallahassee, Florida


Friday afternoon, I got home from class and tossed my backpack onto the couch, heading into the kitchen to find something to eat.

It had been a rough three days, with all of my thoughts going to Miles and what happened – or didn't happen – on Tuesday.

I put together a salad and had just taken the first bite when the doorbell rang.

I got up and opened the door, and my heart fell into my stomach when I saw the uniformed man on the other side.

"Rachel Cross?" he asked, removing his hat and holding it to his chest.

"Yes?" I managed.

"I am Major Harrison Thomas with the United States Army. May I come in?" he asked kindly.

This was every horrible nightmare I'd had since graduation day when Miles told me he wanted to join the Army.

The uniformed officer at the door, there to tell me that the only man I'd ever loved was... gone.

I wanted to collapse to the floor, but instead I tepped aside and let him in, gesturing to the couch blindly.

He sat down, and I sat next to him, my hands visibly trembling. "Major... what is this about?" I asked, my voice trembling as much as my hands.

"Ms. Cross, there has been an accident."

I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. "No... please. This cannot be happening," I choked.

He shook his head. "Please, Ms. Cross. Let me finish. There was an explosion at Officer Salazar's job site. Another soldier stepped on an IED. There were 10 men total, 5 were killed, four survived, and one is MIA. Officer Salazar is MIA, Ms. Cross. There is no sign of his body anywhere around the site. This is a good sign – there is no way the IED killed him."

I removed my hand from my mouth and exhaled. "Okay. He's not dead," I murmured under my breath.

"Not from the IED explosion. He's been missing for 72 hours, and we are doing everything we can to find him," he promised.

72 hours. That's why he didn't call... My stomach lurched. I had been right; something was off.

"We will keep you informed, along with Miles' parents. Another major is visiting them as we speak," he said, and I nodded.

"Thank you," I whispered, unable to say anything else.

"Ms. Cross, please believe we are doing all we can," he assured me, obviously sensing my impending breakdown.

I swallowed and nodded quickly. "I know. Thank you, Major."

He stood up to leave and I walked him to the door. "We'll be in touch," he said, and he was gone.

As soon as I shut the door, I sank to my knees and began to sob.

I knew it. I knew something like this would happen.

Oh my God, what if he's gone forever? 

Oh my God, what if he's gone forever? 

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