Chapter 25

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"So you are leaving?" Lana could not believe that her best friend was abandoning her. "Ya I am," Jennifer confirmed. They were having a goodbye party for Ginny, Bex and Emilie since they were all going to leave the show. Jennifer was also using it as an opportunity to tell her friends that she was leaving. "I cannot believe that I am going to be the only one left," Lana sighed. "I am coming back for one episode," Eddie and Adam had insisted that Jennifer do one episode in season 7 to wrap up Emma's story so that fans would not be confused. Jennifer didn't really understand why she had to come back, and she didn't really want to come back, but since Adam and Eddie said that it was in the best interest of the fans Jennifer could not turn them down. "You will probably be back for the finale too," Lana said. It was no secret that season 7 was most likely going to be the last season. "Yes we will all be reunited soon," Jennifer said smiling at all of her friends. They had truly become her family after all these years.

After the dinner Jennifer stayed at Lana's apartment to help her clean up. "I didn't want to ask this with everyone here, but did your decision have anything to do with Colin?" Lana asked. "Of course it did. I just need to get out of here. I need to figure myself out,' Jennifer explained. "Have you told him that you are leaving yet?" Lana questioned. "He came over to my house, the night after playland," Jennifer said. "And?" Lana was curious about what Jennifer and Colin talked about that night. "He begged me to stay. He said that we could work things out," Jennifer said repeating his words. "Oh wow that's-"

"Save it Lana. I don't want to complicate things more," Jennifer knew that Lana was going to tell her that Colin liked her. After all Lana was to blame for all of this. However, Jennifer wasn't mad at Lana. She was glad that she had the chance to tell Colin her feelings. "But it's true. Colin is crazy about you, he just doesn't know it yet," Lana said. "Lana I can't just wait around for something that will probably never happen," Jennifer said trying to be realistic. "Whatever, you do what you gotta do," Lana smiled and hugged Jennifer. "I am gonna miss you so much," Jennifer said teary eyed.

The next day Jennifer only had one scene to do, and it was with Colin. They were filming in Steveston which meant there were going to be a lot of fans around. In the scene Emma and Killian were in the yellow bug. Emma was driving and Killian was putting a red siren on top of the car. Emma and Hook were truly riding off into the sunset. That was the exact opposite of how Jennifer and Colin's relationship was heading right now. Jennifer tried her best to avoid Colin on set. She avoided him by stay in her trailer the whole time, however, Jennifer knew that once they got to set there would be no hiding.

Jennifer was reading her book in her trailer trying to distract herself from Colin. She always enjoyed reading on set. A lot of people on set found it crazy how she was able to memoize her lines and still read on set. Suddenly, Jennifer heard a knock on her door. "Coming," Jennifer knew that a crew member was summoning her to bring her to set. When Jennifer opened the door she was surprised to see that it wasn't a crew member it was Colin. "Um hi,' Jennifer didn't know what to say. "The van is here," Colin said flatly. Jennifer was confused to why Colin came to find her. Jennifer and Colin both walked to the van in silence. Jennifer was about to sit in the front seat, but Colin grabbed her her hand wanting her to sit with him. Jennifer didn't want to, but she was curious to where this was going.

Jennifer sat down next to Colin in their usual seats. Colin didn't say anything for a while, and the drive to set wasn't long, so Jennifer thought that he wasn't going to talk to her, but just as the van was about to stop Colin said, "Let's just make the best of the time before you leave," Jennifer wasn't quite sure what he meant by this. "Yeah, let's just go back to how things were," Jennifer said naively. She knew that things could never go back to how they were, but maybe just for a couple more days they could just enjoy their last few days together. "Exactly," Colin smiled. Jennifer could feel her insides flutter. Jennifer put her head on Colin's shoulder so that he could't see her blush. Maybe in some alternate universe where the circumstances were different they could have been together. 

Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry for the late update. I just started school, and I have been a bit busy. I will try my best to update next week! Please vote and comment your thoughts. :)

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