Moving in with the Matthews Boys

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im not the best at making them but hope you like it!


HEYYY i would like to say a huge thx to alabamarules who helped me with the tital and the boys last name so thx soo much..

also thax for everyone who is reading this i love these types of books so i thought i would give it a shot and write one my self, hope you enjoy, Please COMMENT, VOTE AND FAN! XD


“Shushhh” I heard Thea whisper to me as she pushed me up back into my bedroom window. Excitement still rushing through me. Once inside I grabbed hold of Thea's hand and pulled her up to, closed the window and shut the curtains. Uncertain of what to do, I Just smiled sheepishly.

“If you just stand there like a retard every time we sneak in and out the house I won’t take you clubbing when I come back from Italy.” Thea echoed mockingly.

“I don’t look like a retard.” I begin arguing back.

“Shut up, go to sleep, and don’t mention this in the morning or mom will go ape” I nodded of course I wasn’t going to tell mom or dad I snuck out for the first time and flirted my why into one of the hottest clubs in New York with my sister, who of course was meant to be a responsible role model as she was 19. “Thanks” was all I can think of then she turned round smiled and replies “you’re welcome,” I smiled a cheesy grin back, Thea has taught me everything and been there the first time I have done everything, from my first steps, riding a bike, school, and now sneaking out and clubbing, she was the most amazing sister ever I'm going to miss her so much when she goes to Italy in two days. With that though it made me realize how tired I was. I strolled over to my bathroom grabbing make-up wipes and wiping away my party face.  Finally I’m done I glance round noticing the sun creeping through my curtains. I quickly jump into my bed and before I know it I’m asleep.

“KATIE DAWSON” my mother was screeching, “its Noon get up were going out for Lunch, It’s our last day here with you.”  Then with a slam of my door she was gone, living a ringing sensation pounding in my head. Then reality hit me, they were leaving for Italy tomorrow and I was going to be shipped of the LA. Who know when, to stay with who knows. I open my eyes squinting them to find myself been blinded by the light and a hard pounding running through my head as I sit up. I didn’t drink that much last night, I was able to climb up a two stories in heels to get into my room.  “Katie, you up yet?”  Thea called swinging my door open. “Here take these and have a shower will you” and she was gone. I looked down noticing two big pills, reaching over to my water bottle, popping the pills in my mouth and a swig of water and up I got and hopped into the shower.

Now feeling a lot better I climb out the shower wrapping myself in a towel, and wonder over to my wardrobe.  Fiddling with my clothes I finally pick out a cute blue summer dress that matches my blue eyes. I pull on undies and dress and sit in fount of my mirror starting to dry my hair. Half an Hour later I was done, I curled the bottom of my long brown hair so it falls perfectly over my shoulders. Apply minimal make-up slip my wedges on and head down stairs. I don’t know why I wear high heels I’m already really tall for my age, but I like it. When I reach the living room I notice everyone else is already waiting for me.

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