Chapter 11: Friendship?

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I woke up with a goofy grin, again. It's been two days since I told Connor about my connection to the gang and he has not pulled away. In fact we are closer than ever.

It's a beautiful Friday morning when I finally leave bed, Connor seconds after me.

"What do you want to do today, Banana?" Ty asks once he sees us. He's sitting on the couch, with food stuffed in his mouth. Big surprise.

Before I could answer Connor says, "I was thinking she could meet Morgan today."

Instantly I grow nervous. What will she be like? Will she like me? Will I like her? Does she have feeling for Connor?

Do I have feelings for Connor??

"Sure," I chirp with a fake grin on my face, "I'm going to take a shower."

I rush to the bathroom and turn on the water.

I shower for 10 minutes, mostly just standing under the water attempting to calm my breathing.

I slowly pull back the curtain and dry my body then open the door and hurry to my room.

I open the door and my breathe hitches in my throat. Connor stands there shirtless facing away from me.

Every single muscle in his back is defined and I want to stroke my hand down his back feeling every single part if him. He slowly turns around and I have to force myself to hold in a growl.

What the hell is happening to me?

Once he is facing me I observe his front just as thoroughly as I did his back. His perfect toned chest and the v-line leading down to his....

He clears his throat, looking at me with a smirk.

"Like what you see, pumpkin?" he asks.

"You know, just when I thought the smirk was gone, you bring it back. And to think I was starting to miss it," I mutter sarcastically.

"I knew you would. Now if you'll stop eye raping me, I'll go put on cloths and you should do the same," he says gesturing to my towel.

My face instantly heats up at his comment.

He exits and room and I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. Being around him makes me nervous and I don't know why. No matter how many times I tell myself I don't like him, my body seems to think differently.

It's becoming a real pain in the ass.

I throw on some jean shorts and my tank-top and exit the room. I honestly don't have the effort to care about my appearance.

"Ty, you need to take me shopping. I literally have two outfits," he inform him.

"Can't Connor do it?" he groans.

"That's for you two to figure out," I mutter, "Let get this over with, Connor."

He opens the door for me, then follows me out. I can't hold back the small smile that forms on my mouth.


We arrive at a small apartment building somewhere in LA. I really need to start paying attention to where we are going.

"This is central Hollywood," Connor tells me, reading my mind.

"Mmmmh," I mumble.

He takes a key from his key ring and places it in the lock. He opens the door and steps through.

"Morgan? Are you here?" he shouts, his voice echoing through the house.

"Yeah, one second!" she calls back. Moments later she comes put carrying and large shot gun.

"What the hell!?" I shout.

"Hanna, it's okay," Connor assures me.

Morgan has a confused look on her face but then looks down and understands why in freaking the fuck out.

"Oh! I'm not going to shoot you!" she laughs, "I was just heading out for my job."

"What exactly in your job?" I question.

"I handle... bad people," she mutters.

"Bad people?" I repeat.

"Yes," she says, lowering her head, "I have to go but tomorrow, I'm taking you out and we'll get drinks. I need a girlfriend."

"You want to be friends with me?" I ask.

"Yes. From what little Connor has told me, you've had it rough. We could both use a friend," she replies.

Before I could respond she's out the door.

"Well, looks like you have a friend," Connor says.

A friend?

That doesn't sound to bad. Even tho she lives with Connor, and gang bothers me for some reason, I need friends if I want to start a new live.

And who knows? Maybe her "job" will help me get rid of my past.

A friend sounds nice.


Okay. This was a horrible chapter. I'm sorry. Fall sports just started and I play volleyball so I've been trying to keep my legs still attracted to my body. And I have to work on my summer assignments because I'm a huge procrastinator and I always wait tell last minute and I have huge writers block and don't know how I want to connect my story. I have the end completely figured out, I just have to connect it.

anyways. I don't even know if that made since. Whatever. I didn't edit BTW. Feel free to critiques (is that how you spell it. idk)


x.o.x.o. Gossip Girl.


I mean heather.

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