Chapter 3: You're Saying You Want To Order A Stripper

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One more hour, just one more hour till I am free. Sort of.

Connor said I'm not allowed out of his sight once we get there for two reasons. One: bad things happen in Vegas and he doesn't need me entering a prostitution ring. Two: he knows that I'll try to run so I don't drag him into all my shit.

Both of those things are true.

Although, I am starting to question whether I would actually leave him.

"Hanna. Hanna, we're here," he whispers. It's 1 in the morning and I was trying to zone out the sound of the crack head sitting behind us snoring, with my music.

Mission failed.

"Hanna, I looked up the next bus to LA and it doesn't leave till 11 tonight," he tells me with a frown.

"Goddammit," I mutter under my breath. "Ok then we need to find a motel or something to stay at because I can't be roaming around especially once daylight comes."

"Are you ever going to tell me anything about your past?" Connor asks with raised eyebrows.

"Not anytime soon..." I mumble.

"Good thing I like an adventure. And mysteries. I think my favorite is 39 clues. You know what! I should write a book. It will be a spinoff of 39 clues, called 69 clues!" he starts. Oh my god, just kill me now.

"It could have sex and murder and mystery. And strippers! Definitely strippers!..."

"Shut up!" I groan.

"Ooohhh!!! we should order strippers!!" he says like a little boy. How ironic.

"No. We are not ordering strippers," I say.

"You're no fun," he pouts.

"Oh, I'm a lot of fun, just wait till we get to the hotel," I say with a wink, taking a baby step closer to Connor, lowering my hand, just slightly so it brushes against his crotch.

"Urrm. What are you saying?" he asks, his voice slightly huskier and dry.

"I'm saying I'm the best at scrabble," I say, smirking my ass off.

"Oh, now that's not fair! You used your hotness against me! That's just cold," he shouts, following me down the strip.

"That's life babe. Sorry to break it to you," I say, trying to ignore the fact he just called me hot.

Right when he starts smirking, it hits me. I just called him babe.


"You just called me babe..." he says, his smirk growing by the second.

"Just get over yourself and find us a cheap motel," I groan.

"That sounds like some sort of pick up line. I think I'm being harassed," Connor says with fake hurt, holding his hand to his chest.

"Oh my god..." I grumble, "Just hurry up."

"Wow, someone must really want me," he says, grabbing my waist.

"Let go of me, or ill castrate you in your sleep," I practically spit.

"Getting kinky, are we?" he smirks down at me.

Damn smirk.


Once we get to the motel, I jump onto the bed only to realize there is only one...


"Ummmm..." Connor starts, "I'll sleep on he floor."

"No, it's fine. I can share, I guess," I say awkwardly.

"I promise not to violate you while you're sleeping," he kids.

"Good, because I'll still castrate you," I say with a smirk.

"Yes ma'am," he mock solutes.

After we both get ready for bed, I climb under the covers as Connor stands in the doorway.

"Connor, seriously, I trust you not to rape me. You can lay down. Besides, you're my muscle, you need your rest,' I joke.

"Alright..." he mumbles, still unsure.

Once he lays down, I whisper, "I trust you," then I kiss his check and turn away.

Seconds later, I feel his arm wrap around my waist, but then I'm gone, lost in the comfort of sleep, with a beautiful boy's arm around my waist.

I have a habit of posting at un-godly hours. lol.

So if you guys like my book, please, please, please like or fan or whatever so word spreads about my little book.

If you don't like my book, comment telling me how to improve it. PLEASE DO NOT BE MEAN. IM JUST A PERSON. (IM ONLY HUMAN AND I BLEED WHEN I FALL DOWN. lol I'm weird)

Anyways. Shout out to one of my best friends Mark. He's helping me proof read. I love him😊.

K, so yeah.

I love you. Please spread word about this book. I'll love you forever.


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