Chapter 5: Hookers Casinos and Rollercoasters.

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Connor Jessup is the love of my life, so since I named the character after him, you guys should know what he looks like. Isn't he sexy?? I love him and you guess should watch Falling Skies, cuz he is in it and he is amazing, and have I mentioned, I LOVE HIM.

Yeah, sorry, enjoy the chapter!!

He trusts me.

He told me about his past. He told me about his family. He trusts me.

And I'm way to happy about this for my liking. Now we are back on strip looking for a certain hotel.

"So where are we going exactly," he asks with raised eyebrow.

"That's not your concern," I reply.

"C'mon, this could be kidnapping if you don't tell me where we are going," he rebuttals.

"Then call the police," I say.

"Seriously? Just tell me where we are going," he grumbles.

"Look, it's right here," I say, pointing up at a towering hotel.

"Oh, hell no," he responds, "I'm not going up there,"

"Oh my god, are you scared of heights?" I shout with a laugh.

Holy shit.

"Shhh!!! Please lower your voice. I don't need all of Vegas to know my worst fear," he whispers.

This is the best day ever.

"Awww, you're so cute," I say pinching his checks.

"I'm not cute. I'm handsome, or sexy, or dashing," he replies, puffing out his chest.

"Yep," I respond with a eye roll.

I look over at Connor's scared expression as he's stares up at the Stratosphere Hotel. The largest structure in Las Vegas has multiple roller coasters extending off of the top. I myself am nervous and I'm not scared of heights. Conner is practically shacking next to me so I grab him by the collar and through the revolving doors we go.

It takes about 20 minutes to get past all of the people, up the elevators and onto the roof. The lines are not excruciatingly long, but they are a decent size for an inpatient person like me.

While I wanted to get on the rides, Connor just wanted to get the hell off the roof. As we got closer to 'X Scream' the crowd favorite here, I could feel his anxiety rising.

He really hated heights.

Soon, we were next in line, waiting for this round to finish. The ride looked terrifying. Absolutely horrible, but I was practically jumping from excitement.

Connor on the other hand, was about a couple seconds from peeing his pants. The ride was kind of like a lever. It hung over the side of the building and shot you back and forth from one end of the lever to the other. People came off with their hair five feet tall and a few people had tears rolling down their face.

This is going to be amazing.

We load the ride and I instantly feel Connor's hand find mine.

"If I die, I'll come back and haunt you for the rest of your life," he mutters at me.

"If you die, I will most likely die as well," I point out, much to his dismay.

"Well then I'll follow you're soul for ever," He scowls at me.

I shrug, and prepare myself for the ride. I was get a thrill whenever I ride roller coasters. Some people like getting scared out of their minds by watching horror movies, while I would much rather be physically scared on a roller coaster. It's just the way life works.

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