Chapter 9: Connor's POV

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I'm starting to worry about Hanna's metal state. She's yelling at me one second, and attacking me with her mouth the next.

Not that I'm complaining about the kissing. She's a great kisser. the way her pouty lips feel against mine and how her body just molds to match my own and how her face fits perfectly in my hands. Don't even get me started on her moans....

Okay. Wow, I never knew I was so perverted till I met her.

I've known her longer than she thinks and I always knew there was something different about her. I just never thought she'd be associated with gangs.

Morgan is not going to like that. Like I said back at Tyler's house, Morgan isn't the average LA citizen. She's handled gang violence before.

Ten years ago, Morgan's parents were killed by the local gang. She kept her anger built up since she was eight. Once she was 17, she started doing research on the gang, finding as much information as she could, then she took them down. Her grandma, who she was living with at the time, didn't quite enjoy what she was doing so Morgan found a place of her own. Now she's 18, letting me crash with her, and is a bounty hunter.

I used to have a huge crush on her when I first met her, but she shot that down fast. Now, she's just my best friend that looks like a Barbie and kicks ass.

I walk into her apartment, smelling the familiar sent of cinnamon and lilacs. It's an interesting combination, but it smells like home.

"Connor, is that you?" she asks. Once she spots me, she adds, "I though you were dead, you little turd! A phone call would have been nice."

"I'm sorry M, it got a little crazy. I met a girl," I say, feeling heat rush to my checks.

"Ohmygod! You are completely forgiven. Tell he about her," she chirps.

"Her name is Hanna. And she's more than just a girl. She grumpy and irritable and sometimes bitchy, but at the same time she's caring and gentle and beautiful. She makes me laugh," I gush.

Ohmygod. I'm turning into a woman.

"Awwwww, Connor, you're in love," she says sweetly.

"No. No, I'm not. She didn't even remember me," I mumble.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"We want to high school together," I admit, "She's the governors daughter so she didn't really have to talk to people. People just came to her. I always just admired her from a distance. She's a lot different that I remembered."

"Okay. Connor, that's frikkin' creepy. You 'admired her from a distance'? Never tell anyone that. Ever. They will report you and we will be one of those house with the red dot that let people know you're moving next door to an offender of the law, or whatever," she says.

"Okay," I laugh, "But it has to mean something that we ended up getting on the same bus to Vegas."

"You know my opinion on love and fates so don't try to tell me 'you're meant to be with her'," Morgan mutters.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You think it's all a load if bullshit. That no one is meant to be with one person for the rest of our lives. That God didn't put us on this planet to be with our one true love," I say in a mocking, girly tone.

"Very smart boy," she replies, taping my nose, "Wait, why were you going to Vegas?" she asks me.

"It was quicker than waiting for a none-stop to LA," I lie.

The truth is, I saw her get on the bus and I sort of, kind of, maybe, followed her. But no one has to know that. Especially Morgan and Hanna

"Uh huh," she mutters, "Well I'm glad to know you're not dead. That would not be fun explaining to your parents."

"Thanks for your concern about my safety," I mumble.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to shower," she shouts as she walks into the bathroom.

Yeah, it's good to be home.


Alexandria Deberry is sort of who I imagined Morgan as. I'm still not sure though so it will probably change.

I wanted to mix it up a little and switch POV. Let you know what Connor was thinking and introduce you to Morgan.

I can't already tell, writing her is going to be so fun.

Anyways. Hope you enjoy.

Love you


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