Chapter 4: Truth Telling

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This is the beautiful Hailee Steinfeld who play Hanna in my mind

I woke up screaming.

It's not really a new thing, considering everything that has happened.

I instantly felt Connor stiffen as he tried to comfort me. I'm starting to honestly feel bad for him, as I hysterically crying while I picture him on top of me.

I see something flash across Connor's face but it's gone to fast for me to recognize what exactly it was, because next thing I know his lips are on mine and he's hovering over me.

I could say I pushed him away but that would be a lie.

I instantly wrap my arms around his neck and run my fingers through his hair.

I feel his hand grab my waist as he tries to pull me closer. Then he traces my lips with his tongue, asking for entrance to my mouth. A low moan escapes my lips, as I slightly open my mouth.

He starts to smile against my lips, but soon let's out a moan of his own when I give his lip a small bite.

Soon his lips move to my neck and nibble on the skin. I try to hold back my groans as he moves to my collarbone.

I try to recall how long we've been doing this when I suddenly feel him pull away. He flops down next to me, both of us out of breath.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I was trying to get you to stop crying but then I got carried away. Please don't castrate me. I really enjoy my man parts," he rambles. Damn that kid can talk.

"Connor, if you didn't notice, I kissed back. I mean, we can't ever do that again, but I think I really needed a distraction," I say, trying to calm him down a bit.

"I feel like I took advantage of you..." he mumble.

"Trust me, you're not even close," I mutter under my breath.

"So, I get to keep my man parts?" he asks.

"Yes, your man parts will remain intact, for now," I respond with a smirk.

"God, you actually scare the crap out of me sometimes, you know?" he practically whispers.

"It's kind of my job, as a strong, independent female. we live off scaring poor boys about there man parts," I say, with a evil grin.

"Yeah, you're freaking scary," he mumbles, then retreats to the bathroom to take a shower. Probably a could shower I guessing. Is it bad that I grin like an idiot at the thought of that?



"Hanna, what's your last name?" Conner asks me out of the blue.

"Martin," I say reluctantly, averting my eyes to the ground. I think I know where this is going.

"So, your dad is the Governor of Colorado?" he ask.


"And your brother is the one that disappeared?" he asks, although he says it more like a statement.

"Yes," I respond again.

After a long, excruciating silence, he says, "I lost a brother too." I can see the hurt that laces his eye.

"I didn't lose him. He just ran away, God knows why," I say, finally able to look at him.

"Hanna, I can see it in your eyes. Something happened, and you feel guilty or just plain sad," he responds, with a comforting look.

Strangely, I feel safe with him. I feel almost whole again.

And I hate it.

That means I need him. I am no longer just on my own. I have baggage now. I have someone that might miss me.

"And I can see the pain in your eyes, Connor, when you talk about your brother," I fire back, attempting to get the subject off me.

"You first," he simply states.

"Fine," I huff, "His name is Tyler, and he is not dead. Um, we were both in some pretty dark stuff, after our mom died. She died of leukemia, I don't know if you knew that, I mean it was on the new but you said that you lived in LA so-" I ramble.

"My family just moved to LA. I lived in Colorado till a couple months ago," he clarifies.

"Ok. So, yeah, um, our mom died when I was 9 and we started doing some bad things. At first it was only Tyler, he would vandalize, and once I was 11 I would join him. Then we stared robbing convenience stores. Once I was 16 and Ty was 18, we started hanging with the gang," I say, muttering the word 'gang,' "Our dad didn't even notice. His job was pretty time consuming, being the governor and all, and he was dealing with his grief. He still is actually. But anyways, I think Tyler went to far, did something he couldn't get over so he left. He told me where he was going, and that he needed time, that people were gonna be after him. He told me to get out, to stop talking to the gang, while I still could. That was the last time I talked to him. Now I need his help. I didn't listen to him, I didn't get out, at least not until it was too late. Looks like my brother was smarter than me, he always said he was, because he was older," I say with a chuckle.

"Hanna, did you say gang? Were you involved with a gang?" he asks with the most serious expression I've seen him hold.

"Yeah..." I respond.

"Ummm... okay. Well that explains the black eye. What happened?" damn, he's full of questions.

"Connor, I'm honestly not ready to talk about that," I say, looking at the ground.

"Okay. That's fine. Do you want to know about my brother now?" he asks.

"If you want to tell me," I say nonchalantly, even thought my insides are exploding with excitement.

"About nine months ago, my mom, who is a lawyer, put a bunch if gang members in jail. That gang was not to happy about that, so the decided to get revenge..." he starts.

"Oh my god..." I mutter.

"My brother was 12. He was riding his skate board around, like he did everyday, and all of a sudden a car came speeding down the street. The windows were tinted, and they just ran over him like he was road kill then rode away. The worst part was, I was right down the street, coming to get him to tell him diner was ready. I held my dead, baby brother in my arms. I saw my mom come out of the house, looking mad that dinner was getting cold. I heard her scream down the block. I saw my dad came out seconds later. I saw him run over to us, trying to save him, since he was a doctor. I saw the ambulance come. I saw them carry him away in a body bag. I saw my mom crying into my dad's shoulder. I saw all the neighbors gather around, trying to help. But the worst part was, none of the pain and sorrow hit me till the funeral. My parents dealt with the pain over time. It hit me so fast and so hard, that it was almost un-bearable. Thats when my family decided we had to move away. I was a complete mess. Everything reminded me of him, and I was so over come with guilt. If I just left the house sooner instead of sitting on my ass. Or if I walk quicker down the street, were the things I would tell myself. It took me months to finally stop blaming myself. It's still hard to think about without wanting to blame me. That was probably the worst thing that has ever happening to me," he says the last part in a whisper.

"Connor...I-I-I really don't know what to say. I would say sorry, but I know that it doesn't really mean anything. E being sorry doesn't help you," I ramble, not sure how to react.

"Hanna, just please don't treat me any different. I'm finally back to a good place and I just want to enjoy it with out people thinking I'm broken," he says with a sad smile.

"I completely understand, actually," I say with a grin, "C'mon, get dressed! We're are going out!"

"I thought you had to stay inside so 'bad people' don't find you," he kids, with a confused grin.

"I do, but I'm being adventurous! and you're killing my vibe. Hurry up!" I say and walk into the bath room.

This is gonna be fun.

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