chapter twenty two

Start from the beginning

The Prussian man swallowed and carried the book he wanted to the register.
"I vant to purchase zhis one.", He said softly, "please?"
The female sat up and scanned the book before delicately wrapping it in the bag, "enjoy your literary adventure."
Her voice seemed kind but had a tone to it that made her seem hurt, same as he.
Gilen thanked the female and walked to the café next door, his heart was pounding.
Her eyes were violet-red and empty of life, like she was a zombie.
He saw a strand of silver hair peering from under her hoodie, she was an albino too.
Her accent told him she was from northern Europe, probably the Scandinavian area.
What was a Scandinavian doing in that bookstore?
Her job. That's what.

The Prussian sat down and unwrapped the book the female wrapped up so lovingly, he began to read after getting a coffee.
It was a few minutes before he felt a thud beside him And a muscular arm around his neck, "Bruder, jou got a new book!"
"Ja Lutz.", Gilen replied to his younger brother.
"Any good?", The German asked and ordered a drink.
"I just started reading.", the Prussian answered and heard his brother laugh.
A small meow could be heard from Lutz's jacket pocket.
"Did jou steal another cat from an animal shelter?", Gilen asked.
"Ja.", Lutz grinned and pulled out a little kitten, "she's too cute, und she looks like jou."
"Ve don't need anymore cats.", the albino man sighed, "Are jou doing jour job or screwing around again?"

The blonde German yawned, "zhere has not been any sightings of her for over two years. She's either good at hiding or was killed."
The Prussian went back to reading and felt the kitten pawing his hand.
The German male drank his coffee, he put the kitten back into his jacket, "See jou."
"Ja", Gilen said back and waved to his brother.
He saw the German pass by the employee from the bookstore, Lutz did not make any notice of the female.
The girl walked to the counter and asked for her coffee, the female had a stack of books in her arms and sat down.
She looked calm as she read the books, the light reflected off of her skin like a shimmer.
Like she was wearing pearl powder makeup on her skin.

The Prussian got up from his seat and walked over to the female.
"C-can I s-sit vith jou?", The Prussian stuttered.
The female looked up at him, the light was able to shine under her hoodie.
Her face was cute, like a small animal.
The pale skin had scars like a large one on her cheek and one on her lips, the skin shimmered still.
"Sure.", Her dull and almost lifeless voice answered.
Gilen sat on the seat facing her. She seemed calm.
He fiddled with his hoodie for a bit, "so what books are you reading?"
The albino female looked up then back at her books, "History and art from other countries."
"That sounds interesting.", The Prussian replied softly.

The female only made a small humming noise.
Gilen drank a bit of his coffee, he noticed the sound of a chain as the female moved.
As if she was once been trapped and still had the chains but not the key to unlock them.
The female sipped her coffee.
Both sat in silence as the café filled up with more customers.
All talking softly and getting something to eat.
The Prussian looked down at his book, he would talk to the female more but what would he say?
He can't be rude, she could get hurt, he could make her feel bad.
He was fretting over the conversation when the female tapped him after she got up, "thanks for the company."
She left without any other words.


Luciano and his men had a meeting in a small city, Gilen and Lutz were walking around the historical city as he and Flavio were finding the right venue.
Who knows where the hell Kuro went though.
The Italian man knew that he was in a highly populated area That had no knowledge of him, so he should be safe to walk around.
But the lack of knowledge also annoyed him as he wanted respect from the people of the city.
Lutz came back from walking around and told him about what he saw.
Mostly uninteresting, save some gossip he heard of a bookstore employee who does not like to show her face.

The moody Italian waved his henchman off and the German wandered off to find a place to nap.
Kuro came back with some art supplies he probably bought from a shop, probably to draw more hentai manga.
Flavio was absolutely gushing over how pretty the area was and how much fun it would be to design fashion based on the area.
Gilen had come back finally, the Prussian held a book in his arms like it was a precious baby.
"Where-a the hell were you?", The Italian snapped at the skittish albino.
"Bookstore sir.", Gilen said with a shake.

The auburn haired Italian muttered curses, "get-a the hell out."
the Prussian ran to his room as the mafia boss threw a knife after him.
The Italian man sat back down at the desk he aquire for this building he bought, this would be another base for them. A mafia spot.
A wicked chuckle erupted from his throat.
"You think you won Nordic bastards, but I will win soon enough.", he chuckled to himself, "this city will be the start to my conquest. Just like Nonno."
"You-a really need to-a stop talking to yourself.", Luciano's fabulous blond brother said as he carried a bottle of wine in with a pair of glasses, "you'll look-a like you-a lost it."
"Shut up!", Luciano snapped at his older brother.
Flavio only giggled, "You-a still love your fratello."
"I'm severely-a  regretting it.", The mafia boss grumbled.
The Fabulous blond gave him a glass of wine, "relax Luci, You-a really are-a tense."
The magenta eyed Italian took the glass and tasted the wine.

"Nothing could go wrong now.", Luciano chuckled, "everything is set. If something or someone does happen to try to stop us. We'll they will be in our trap."
"Very-a clever Luci. But what-a if we can't stop someone from ruining this?", Flavio asked.
"Let-a them try", the cocky Italian laughed, "We can-a handle anything that-a is thrown at us."
"Don't forget what-a happened to Nonno.", The blond Italian warned, "he fell."
"He became-a weak.", Luciano snapped back, "But I am-a strong!"
Flavio sighed, "whatever you-a say fratello."
The Italian spoke before feeling that they were not alone, a shadow of a hooded figure walked away from the window that they sat beside.
"GILEN!", Luciano yelled at the figure, "Get the-a hell back here bastardo!"

Lutz poked his head into the office door, "Gilen is with me."
The said Prussian looked in as a little bird sat on his head.
Luciano froze, "if-a he was-a with you, who-a the hell was-a at the-a window?"

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