'Who wants you anyway !' he retorts

'Then why did you marry me ?' she asks irritated

'Like I had any choice !' Aayan huffs

'Don't victimise yourself now okay, the alliance was proposed from your side... You married to take some stupid revenge from me... ' Ananya gave him a challenging look

Aayan was shocked to the core...

She knows everything, still pretended to be good...

Unknowingly he was impressed by her right now...

'You know everything, Wow... I am impressed... But now you are stuck Mrs. Ananya Aayan Varma, no one will save you from me... ' Aayan smirked and pulled her closer to him, for which she protested, but his hold was strong

'I think I myself will be sufficient to counter you, I don't need anyone's help in this... ' she said smirking back

'I will make your life miserable sweetheart, just wait and watch... ' he trailed his fingers across her face and she cringed at his touch..

This broke her heart, her dream for a perfect love story like her parents was shattered..

But she was Naina Thapar's daughter after all ! She won't cry for this worthless man !

Ananya didn't reply to his rude remark, and pushed him away

'Now that you know, let's keep this secret between us...!' He states moving closer to her

Really ?

'And why do you think I will agree to that !' Ananya raises her brows

'Because you love Big Dad and my Papa so much ' he smirks

And Ananya's angered expression morphs to worried one...

'And you don't want to bring their friendship at stake...' His smirk grows wider..

This cunning brat !

'Don't you think you are hurting your Naina mom as well by taking revenge from her daughter... ' Ananya countered and Aayan frowned

'Naina mom will understand...' he began looking away

'Keep dreaming Aayan Varma, because you are not going to make me suffer anymore... So I won't be hurt, and then Maa won't be disappointed as well... But YOU will be shattered to core....' Ananya said cutting him off in between

'Let's see... How much you can tolerate me... ' Aayan said amused

'Let's see how much You can bear me either.... You will be the first one to back off Aayan.... ' She smiled

'I won't leave you till my last breath Ananya Varma, stop dreaming... ' Aayan smiled back

Both of them stared at each other, not breaking the eye contact, like they were battling through their eyes

This weird competition which both of them signed up was not who defeats who, but was more like who fights their own feelings for other better....

Aayan was Ananya's first love, and Ananya was the first girl Aayan took so much interest in, even though out of hatred, but Aayan was attracted to Ananya in a manner he wasn't to any girl ever...

'Fine !' She pushes him away and walks towards the bags...

'Tut, tut... Poor heartbroken Ananya is leaving her husband's house ? That's Sad !' he mocks her

Ananya starts laughing and he stares her bewildered

Did she go crazy...?

'Heartbroken ? For you ! In your dreams, Aayan Varma !' she said disgustingly

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