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"I know heartbreak hurts, but I'll be alright."

Arturia finally burst through the doors of Gilgamesh's room. He was practicing his guitar and slowly looked up from the chords he was about to strum, pulling out an ear bud. Blinking at her, he looked over at the door. "You do know there's a thing called knocking, right?"

She took erratic breaths, pacing around the room as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Have you come to apologize for slapping me? You know you'd have to get on your knees for that." He smirked, straightening up.

Arturia did not pay attention to him before she began to speak. "I think...I think he knows."

Setting the guitar beside himself, Gilgamesh leaned back on his arms, eyebrow raising slightly. "Who?"

"I think Love Spot knows."

Looking down at his finger nails, he sighed, "Is that what you were going on about on the phone when you called and rudely hung up on me?"

She nodded. "Yes! Because it's true! He called my name, my name, Gil. This isn't a joke."

"It's just a name."

"No, it isn't. He—he was at the store we always went to, he found me in the alley we always walked past, and he even gave me a blueberry popsicle. He knows they're my favourite."

"I think you're reading way too much into it."

"Really?" She stopped pacing, turning to him and pulling a hand to her chest. "Gil, even if he doesn't remember everything, he's starting to. He must know something we thought we'd erased. Doesn't this mean these gems don't work effectively?"

"Wait," Gilgamesh stood, "if what you say is true, that means...he isn't the only one to remember."

Arturia's eyes widened. "You're not—"

He nodded and reached for his coat. "We have to tell Marie."

"No!" Arturia took his hand. "We can't."

"Why? Arturia, this is serious."

"We—we can't do this to him again. He, he won't brave it through a second time."

"Artie, look," he landed his hands on her shoulders. "I think it's time you stop this nonsense."

"What do you mean?" She gulped, trying not to let him see her emotions.

He took a deep breath. "Both of you need your memories erased, it was stupid of you to hold on to them this whole time."

"No!" She threw his hands off her. "No, I promised, Gil. A knight always honours their promise. I can't...I can't just forget him."

"Oh god, Arturia, get over bloody yourself! This doesn't make you honourable or a hero; this makes you an idiot. Stop acting so overzealous and get over it."

"You don't know what it means to let someone down because you've never cared about anyone in your life! You don't care what it means to honour a promise or even to love someone!"

Anger twisted his face and he prepared himself to punish her, but he didn't. He just stood in wrath. "Get out, Arturia! Get the hell out of my house!"

"Gladly," she hissed and slammed the door of his bedroom as she rushed out of the house. Her vision was red, and she was bubbling up inside like simmering water. It was dark out now, her commute to Gilgamesh's house had been long and exhausting. She had thought of heading home or stopping to eat something, but she told herself it was better to let her rage out at the ring in the HGA and so she settled on that.

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