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Jeanne had found herself in the same room that she had been in before, the one with the round table. Her purple eyes were simply skimming over the sight before her. She was seated at a different seat now, she had not really focused on which one. The King of Knights was at the chair with the Dragon while the King of Heroes had taken his place at one with what seemed like a lion and a castle; both on either side of the chair she recognized to be Marie Antoinette's. The blonde male was tapping his fingers on the table, metal against wood seemed to have a specific pattern as it filled her ears in high pitches.

Jeanne had not been able to change into her alter ego and so the female knight had lent her a cape to cover herself. The silence was unbearable and just as the Frenchwoman had opened her mouth to speak she was stopped by the soft groan the door made when it was opened.

The young woman entered the room, her pigtails just making her seem too much like a child. The black and red skirt was bouncing along with her every step, "Pucelle, it is a pleasure to see you again. How do you do?"

"Well, thank you, and yourself?" Jeanne replied, sitting up straight in her chair so that she did not seem tired.

Marie took a seat and blinked, "How come you are not in uniform?"

She bit her lower lip and sighed, "Actually," the embarrassment was starting to fill her inside and out, "I cannot do so on command. I don't know how to activate the costume."

"Oh," Marie nodded, understanding the situation for this had happened to some of her heroes before, especially the First Knight of Fianna, "We will help you with that. I'm quite sure you'll be able to activate it at any given moment if we do some exercises. Until then, when you come, make sure you wear a mask; I don't want to have to use the stone on everyone."

"Yes, of course," the recruit nodded promptly, a soft smile on her lips, "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow would be great. You would need to go through a bit of training before we take you out to the field, though."

"Perfect!" That was easier said than done, you see. The following day, the poor girl was put before a long obstacle course. Many eyes were on her and she could feel them burning through her body. She took note, after seeing many new faces, that the Hound of Ulster was nowhere to be found. It wasn't until Marie had barked at the rest of the heroes to resume their training so that Jeanne would not feel pressure while preforming the obstacle course.

There seemed to be many different stages to the course; and they only got progressively harder as the obstacles furthest away from her seemed to frighten her.

Marie looked around the arena to find someone she knew would have patience and coach the girl to the best of their abilities. Her blue eyes caught site of the particular hero she had been searching for and then she called him over. Beauty incarnated, Jeanne was presented with a type of person she would have never imagined would even talk to her. The female gulped as the man before her ran a hand through his hair, the other holding two lances between his fingers. His spandex uniform did not fail to show the perfect physique of the man, every single groove in his body was completely visible. Curly hair had been brushed back but a little lock of it dangled between his eyes.

"Pucelle?" Marie questioned, aware of how the younger female was stunned to see the handsome man. She watched as Jeanne snapped out of her daze and shot her head towards her, a blush on her cheeks as she had realized that she had been staring at him too much.

"Y-yes?" She was starstruck when she saw those honey-caramel eyes against a green mask that caused the pit of her stomach to churn because damn was the man handsome.

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