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They sat at a booth, the sun still moderately high in the sky, light filtering in through the sheer curtains at the Ramen restaurant. Jeanne was pressed up against the window, her body sunken into the booth bench and arms on the table, fingers tapping away slowly as she waited for her order. She had spaced out, thinking about school but most importantly; the agency.

"So, Gilles has told be all about you." Her thoughts were cut short when she heard the giddy voice of the young adult on the bench across from her.

Jeanne straightened her back and sat up, letting her gaze leave the window watch and settle on the brown-eyed man. She had already determined that she did not like the look in his eyes, nor the overtly-bright smile he held.

Ryuunosuke had his flame orange hair limp on his head, sometimes disrupting the view from his eyes. Albeit, his hair did look soft and well kept, in fact, the boy himself looked very well mannered. His clean white shirt was over layered with a simple royal purple button up, which was ironed and spotless.

Maybe she had made a mistake that night. Maybe he honestly did want to help her brother and was leading him with honest intentions.

The only thing that made him look a little different than your average University-dead-inside-student were the two piercings on his left ear—but that was common nowadays. Many people got multiple piercings.

The odd feeling in the girl's gut persisted, "Ah." She did not have an idea about how to respond.

"You pray a lot?" He asked, his hand holding his head as he leaned on the table.

Jeanne gave a courteous nod, not moving anymore than that.

Ryuunosuke grinned, "Good girl, aren't you?"


Silence seeped into the booth; Gilles had gone to the washroom and had left her alone with the new acquaintance—which she dreaded.

"Hey," he gasped, "aren't you that kid's sister? The one I saw wondering around at night? Yeah! That's you! Oh, man, was that a while ago now, huh?"

"Thank you for finding him." Her voice came out much harsher than intended but, you must know, it was the feeling in her gut.

The boy shook his head, his shinny-straight tooth smile widening, "No problem, girly. My pleasure. But, you know... You oughta be careful around this time of year with that little squirt. Lots of people have been snatching the children these days, isn't that right, big guy?"

Gilles had just made it to the booth, taking his place next to his best friend, a quizzical look on his face, "What?"

Jeanne sat still for a second, big guy? It was a rather odd nickname for a high schooler by a post secondary kid.

"Just that Jeannie here should be careful." The man responded, leaning back into the chair and shooting them both a smile.

"Oh! Tell Jeanne what you study! She was curious earlier." Gilles grinned, leaning on the table with his elbows and looking over at the blonde.

"I'm glad you asked, big guy!" He immediately turned to Jeanne following this, "I major in Anatomy and Minor in both Sculpting and Occult History; all about that weird blood ritual stuff and how it helped build modern society."

Alright, so that was outright creepy and there was no way that there wasn't a red flag already going up, but hey! Let the kid have his hobbies, "Interesting..."

"Well, isn't this your last year guys? What do you think of going into?"

"Anatomy, but I think I'll follow Jeanne to wherever she goes." Gilles did not even hesitate for a single second.

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