What Happens when all hell breaks loose

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"CRACK" was the only sound that could be heard as my hand made contact with Mark's face. " Mark what the fuck are you doing?" His hand shot to his cheek "damn it Leesa why the fuck did you hit me?""Mark why in the fuck do you think I hit you""Come on Lee you cant tell me you didnt want it!"" Are you fucking delusional Mark, we been over this, I love Joe you fuckin know this.""Listen Lee You and him it doesnt make sense you and me we do. I can give you what you need, I can be there not out touring, I can take care of you in everyway possible. I promise I can turn you out better than he ever could!" The shit eating smile crossed his face, as he folded his arms over his chest and leaned back again the couch, "what you say Leesa?""Mark what I say is FUCK YOU MARKY!!, I love Joey more than anything, yes I hate he is away touring all the time but he is doing it for the kids and I. There is nothing that you can give me he cant. Its not a matter anyways of what he can give me its a matter of I love that man more than anything in this world. He makes me happy, wipes my tears and even if he was to loose it all I would still be with him. As for the you can turn me out better, Marky sweetheart you have no fucking Idea of the things he does to me and the things we've done. Its not a matter of getting turned out, which he has no problem with, when we are together its on a deeper level a level that Im guessing you never have had are we wouldnt be doing this, Joe and I have such a connection when we are together I cant even tell you. I dont know what I was thinking coming here, I wish I didnt.""OK Lee listen Im sorry""Save it Mark!" I got up and walked out the door and pulled out of the driveway. I wasnt long till what happen literally hit me and tears slide down my cheeks, how was I going to explain this to Joe and I had to tell him I couldnt keep this from him.

I drove around just thinking about everything,it was 8 when my phone rang and I looked down to see it was Kay "Hello""Leesa Darling where are you""Driving Ma trying to clear my head""Darling what happened""I'll tell you when I get home, I just need to be alone. Are the kids ok?""They are fine sweetheart, the fell asleep a hour ago on the couch, I had to have Mark bring them upstairs for me""Mark...why was Mark there""He came over looking for you, said yall needed to have a talk""ma did he say anything else?""Just to have you call him""Ok Im on my way, Ill be home in 10 minutes""No need to rush what is going on Leesa is everything ok""Im on my way home". I quickly hung up and pulled out of Savin Beach and sped home. I pulled into the driveway a short time later and through Joe's BMW in park and ran in, "Leesa dear whats wrong why are you flying in like that?""Ma what did Mark tell you""Just what I told you on the phone, what is going on here""Nothing Ma I need to go upstairs and call Joey now""Darling he just called here looking for you he said they were about to go on any he would Facetime you tonight after the show""is that at he said""well and to tell you he loves you." I let out a breath of relief he doesnt know yet, I dont want him to hear what happened from Mark,Donnie or anyone but me. "Leesa Renee Mcintyre if you dont tell me what the hell is wrong""Ma its a mess" tears started to fall from my eyes again "Darling what is wrong why are you crying?""Ma where do I start, Joe and I were facetiming he told me he wasnt coming home for christmas""excuse me""they have a show the night before, thats why I ran outta here. I went to Marks because I knew Harley was at Barry's till 7.""Ok is that why he came looking for you?""Ma something happened" her eyes widened "Leesa Renee tell me you didnt""didnt what?""tell me you didnt have sex with Mark?""Ma how could you ever think I do that," now Im telling you what that stung right in my heart when she said that."I didnt say you in your right mind ever would, but I do know how you get when you are heartbroken and you get self destructive because you know its gonna hurt Joe""I would never ever EVER cheat on Joey Ma ever""than what the hell happened""Mark kissed me""he what""he kissed me and I slapped him and left, what am I gonna do ma?""Well you need to tell Joesph""I am as soon as he facetimes, I dont know what to do Ma?""you need to tell him and be honest""I know but you dont understand Joe and Marks history""no I dont obviously and I really dont care all I know is you and Joesph's history an d the way you two love eachother I no doubt know he is going to be upset but I also know that you both will be ok because you will work through it."" We will, Im gonna go take a shower ma and wait for Joey""alright darling Im going to be heading up to bed myself". With a hug and kiss Kay retired to her room and I headed up to the bedroom. I clicked on the TV they had another live stream of the guys,I forgoed the shower and fell back again the pillows with Joe's hoodie and watched him with tears still in my eyes knowing the next Facetime we have I have to tell Joe what happened knowing exactly how he feels about Mark.

Never Let You Go (sequel to Where do we go from here)Where stories live. Discover now