Its not that simple

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After the phone call at Kays I've been on edge I don't know how much more my heart could handle. It was the end of the day Friday and I was going through my mail in my office when I see a letter from Transitions, Transitions as in the rehab facility that Joe was in, I rip the envelope open and read

My Dearest Sweetbaby,
I know I shouldn't call you that but that's what
You will always be. I know last time I heard your
Voice it was a startle to you, but to me the memories of us of you are what is keeping me going. I wanted
You to know that I've been in here for the last 90
Days and will be coming back home to Boston on
The 29th. Baby I am clean I am sober and I can't
Ever tell you how sorry I am that I put you through
That. I want you to know I'm still in love with you
As much now as I was the day you walked down that isle to me. I know there is no way you will ever allow
Me back into your heart, but what I'm trying to say is
You will always be in mine, there will never be anyone else.
With all my love,

I felt the tears threatening to spill out my eyes and I reach over on my desk and pick up our wedding picture in the frame on my desk and smile, damn I never was as happy as I was that day. The was a knock on the door I look up "Leesa""yes hi Steve""am I disturbing you you seem a little lost in thought" he walks over and picks up the picture I just set down "is that him""yeah that my... I mean that Joey""you guys look so happy""we were""listen I wanted to go over the Offset case, I have taken on too many cases and I think your just the attorney to handle them""ok but why me""you seem like just the type and with Offset there is a lot of interacts with his fiancée Cardi B and I'm gonna be honest with you most of the other attorneys they can't tolerate her personality and find it hard to work with, with you being one of our younger attorneys I think this would be a better fit as well as they asked for you."" Well absolutely I would love to do it""great here is the case file, I'm gonna need briefs as well a a draft of the contracts on my desk Monday morning""no problem Steve""great, why don't you take the rest of the day off""ok thanks". He walked out and I gathered my case files and put Joey's letter in my briefcase and headed home.

I walked in the house and tossed my keys on the counter and hit play on the answering machine
"One message""well long time no here it's Jess call me back doll face, miss you" "end of message" I tossed my briefcase on the chair and went in and changed and grabbed my phone and dialed Jess's number. The phone rang three times "Hello""Hey Jess""Leesa Renee what the hell where have you been""around"" how are my babies""their good how's Avery""she is great she is in Cincinnati with Nick right now""How's Joe""ummm""what""Joe and I split up""what the fuck why""he got heavy into drinking and smoking weed and when I found out he promise he stop and he didn't, he wrecked the car I just couldn't do it anymore""oh sweetheart I'm sorry""it is what it is, but I did pass the bar and I'm working for a entertainment law firm in NY""NY your not in Boston any more""No""well listen I have a show at Madison square garden on Friday and I want you to come""Jess I don't know I have this huge case for Cardi B and Offset""I'm not taking no for a answer""I don't have a sitter""I have Avery with me when I'm there the kids can stay with her and Nick""your really not taking no for a answer huh""nope""fine""eeekkk ok I will see you Friday get here by 4 I wanna hang before I go out""fine""I'll see you then love ya""love ya too". Little did I know Jessica had something up her sleeve.

The week passed like normal school for the twins and Cheer and Voice and work for me. I have my first set of negotiations for Cardi and Offset most of the other attorneys can't deal with them but let me tell you I love working with them. Soon enough it was Friday, picked up the kids and headed over the The Garden. I walked in and gave security my name and we were immediately brought back to Jessica. I knocked on the door "Yellow""girl" the door flys open "shut up your here""you shut up of course I'm here" she throws her arms around me and squeezes me in a huge hug. "Oh shut up look how grown they are, "Mommy who is this and why do you guys keep telling eachother to shut up, you always tell me not to tell JJ to shut up""Victoria this is mommy's friend Jessica and yes telling people shut up is bad but that is how mommy and Jessica talk""you shouldn't say shut up mommy""yes Victoria""Hey Lee there is a playroom in here if you want them to go Avery is already there""Ok""hey guys behind me in the corner over there in that room it's a playroom why don't you guys go have fun.""Can we Mommy""Yes JJ but be nice""we will" and they ran off. Jess stepped to the side and I walked in "Leesa they look just like Joey""don't I know JJ is just like him 100% he even has his voice""so what happened""everything was great for about 6 months after we got married, then the guys all decided that the break they were taking was going to be permanent and at the same time he released some solo stuff locally and it took off. So the more club dates he booked the more he drank, it came to the point were he was drunk more than sober. There was actually a time I had Harley over watching a movie and he drove home drunk, stumbled out the car and passed out on the lawn, Harley and I had to drag him in the house and put him upstairs. I think it come to a head when he went to a club date and got so pissy drunk that he wrecked the car""he didn't" he eyes grew wider as I keep telling her. " I got a call from Mass General that he had been in a accident and I needed to get there, I had to load the sleeping kids in the car drive them over a hour to Alma's and fly to the hospital all not knowing what I was walking into when I got there. After we left the hospital he promised he was done drinking and he didn't touch a drop the entire 3 weeks he was home recovering then he went back on his club dates and it started again. I found a transaction from bottle service at the club he was singing at then that next day I took the kids to Bounce it out with Rae and Donnie and after talking to Rae she said she would take the kids the night so I could talk to Joey but when I got home I found him with a glass of Jack in his hand and a almost empty bottle on the desk and he was smoking a blunt. He got up when I grabbed the bottle and he said he needed it, so I smashed it to the ground he called me a bitch and I walked out." Tears spilled from both our eyes she leans in and hugs me LeeLee why didn't you call me""you are busy on tour and with Avery I didn't want to bother you""that's never a bother, have you heard from him""Yea he went into rehab for 90 days he just got out a few days ago but I haven't talked to him it hurts to much""I understand". There was a knock on the door "Mrs Simpson time for wardrobe and hair""Hey LeeLee you know what would be fun""what""if you let the glam team do you for the concert""Jess I'm just sitting watching backstage""so it will be fun""fine". Little did I know that this entire week Jessica has been plotting something. So a hour later Jessica was all ready to go out the glam team and wardrobe got to me and Nick was ready to go out when it was time for their duet. I sat backstage talking to Nick and it was halfway through her set when it was Nick and Jess's duet "goodluck Nick""thanks hun" and he headed all all I hear was "How you doing Madison Square Garden" of course the crowd screams "New York y'all all know my husband Nick but I have a very special friend out here joining me tonight, y'all give it up for Leesa McIntyre" the crowd screams and Jess comes back and drags me out on stage. The Nick says"Ok guys Jess isn't the only person who has some friends out here this evening give it up for my boy Joey Mac" I look at Jessica and she whispered "sorry Lee" with a smile on her face as the crowd is going crazy as Joey walked out. I froze in my tracks, he looked good, he looked like my Joey. "Alright y'all how about it NY you wanna see them dance" the crowd screams. "How about it guys, you gonna give everyone what they want" I see Joey walk up and grab my hand "what do you say Lee will you dance with me once" I looked up into his eyes and for the first time in I can't tell you how long I seen the true Joey. "I guess" I felt him wrap his arms around me and I tried my hardest to just make it a dance but when I felt his arms wrapped around me and all I Hear was Jessica sing

Never Let You Go (sequel to Where do we go from here)Where stories live. Discover now