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The next couple weeks had been a blur honestly, the album dropping and it was indeed massive. The guys have been booked on almost ever media outlet I could think off. Joe has been spending more and more traveling. As he traveled I noticed more and more that Victoria's attitude started to change back to the behavior she had well we lived in New York. Joe was in LA to do the Late Show and the next day a couple radio shows, he wouldn't be home till Sunday. I decided to pack up the kids and dogs and head back home to spend the next 5 days with Kay. Ive spent almost everyday there since Joe has been gone but the farther along I get the harder the drive is becoming. We pulled up to Kay's at 5 and as soon as we walked in she seemed to be in overdrive in the kitchen, "hey ma whatcha doing""Oh hey darling, I figured y'all must be hungry after that drive so I made you stuffed shells,garlic bread and salad your favorite and for my babies there is monster cookies for after dinner.""Ma you didn't have too do all this""its fine darling Im just so happy I get you and the kids for the next few days." I walked up hugging her, it was just so nice to always have Kay no matter what the circumstance was. "Thanks for letting me stay ma its just getting to hard with Joey gone, the kids and being this huge""sweetheart your not huge""ma I put on 3 more pounds since my last check up with doctor Peterman""Leesa your five months pregnant if you were still a size two I worry ok""I know ma.""Have you talked to Joseph today""talked no, but he's been texting me on and off most of the day, they have the tonight show taping tonight and he had a radio show.""How is he holding up?""He's ok says he misses home already""not surprised he always hated being away from you""I know, and I know its just media stuff right now but im telling you ma every email, every text, every phone call I sit and wonder if this is gonna be the time that he tells me a tour starts and that im going to be alone here with this pregnancy.""Sweetie you know your never alone right, you have alot of people who love you""I know ma not what I mean""I know""I mean alone without Joey, I need him""I know you do and he needs you, but you both knew from the early going that this was a possiblity.""I know and we have done this for two tours technically three if you count when they has the oversees leg of the tour, it just doesnt get easier.""the way you two love eachother I dont think it ever will be easy, but at the same point as hard as this all is on you this whole thing is actually a part of who you are"" it is but at the same time its still hard to digest that I may in fact have to have this baby well Joey is in god knows where on a stage.""Leesa dear I wouldnt worry about that now till you have a reason to do so""your right ma, listen Im gonna run upstairs and get us unpacked if thats ok""yea let the kids be they are quite watching Tv, can you just let all the dogs out for me too.""sure", I slide open the back door and headed up. The room for the kids was finally complete. I tossed their bookbags on their bed at headed into Joey's room, here we are again. It only took me a short time to unpack and I sat down on the bed thinking as many years as I spent in this room in this house its still weird to not be here with Joe.

It was 11 when my phone rang, I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the phone I was in bed with a cup of tea trying to relax a bit, I look at the screen and smile and instantly the butterflies start in my stomach, it was Joe he always gave me butterflies and still does. I quickly answered " My Joey Joe""Sweetbaby god I miss the sound of your voice""I miss you too, hows LA""its ok we are just super busy, the kids alright""Yea, sleeping for school""what about my lil mini Mac""he is killing me" I let out a lil laugh, ""why whats up, he is constantly on my bladder and is like living in my rib cage.""Oh sweetbaby Im sorry, I wish I was home to help take care of you""Joey you cant get the baby out of my ribs." I had to laugh, it was sweet for him to even say. "Regardless I still wish I was home I miss yall""we miss you too, I drove down to ma's this afternoon, the kids and I are going to stay here till sunday morning when I pick you up at the airport.""I glad your there ma can help with the kids.""More than you know.""Soooo anyways sweetbaby" thats it I knew by the tone in his voice he was up to something, " what are you scheming Joe""what do you mean, Im offended""Babe I know the tone in you voice""I was Just hoping maybe you can I dont know hop on Skype with me""Joesph Mulrey what are you plotting""nothing""Joey last time you wanted me to hop on Skype well you were out of town I opened the video to find you sitting there with your penis in you hand""you know you liked it""Joey I have no problem looking at you naked what I do have a problem with is when you don't warn me that you were ummm""what""occupying yourself""what was I supposed to do I was god knows where and without you, and the sound of your voice and the conversation we here having made me horny""Joey seriously""yes seriously, now can we Skype please I want to see you""Do you have you penis in your hand""shut up and answer the damn laptop""its all the way in the closet""Ill wait""fine but whats such a big deal""just do it please""fine hang on a sec". I jumped up off the bed and grabbed the laptop from the closet. I grabbed the phone "babe I got the laptop""ok calling you now."

Never Let You Go (sequel to Where do we go from here)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum