24. {♛}Empty

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The car journey was quite formal

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The car journey was quite formal. We just talked when required and avoided getting into unwanted and distractive conversations and trying to hide the nervousness what we all were facing.
I was well nervous about executing the plan and for it to be a success because it had to be successful, but however I was not scared or fearful of whatever lies ahead because either I was going to save him or end up dying with him and there was no other maybe.
“We are here get ready guys” Will said sharply

“Nushkie are you sure about taking the lead? This is quite dangerous” Maya shrugged

“Yes absolutely” I said trying to hide my emotions
The only reason I was nervous about taking the lead was that I didn't want screw all these planning we have done since all this time but I cannot let anyone else take the lead either. They have done so much for me , so much that I don't think I would ever be able to repay them and then I couldn't put their life in danger.

“Okay Will I am ready pull out ” I commanded and will slowed down a bit as I jumped from the car.
I had to make sure not to come in their radar, I crawled up to some barrens near by then hid behind one of them. As soon as I made sure everything was quite still I took out the packages from my pocket and after taking a moment and finding and aiming at the right place threw one of them then the other and before they could get the time to see who it was they gradually fainted one by one inhaling the chloroform gas that came out of those packages. I strode inside carefully trying not to make any noise and taking the syringe in one hand unloaded it on a security guard who came to check out what happened and he fell on the floor like a rag doll and I filled the syringe again and this time inserted it into the gun from my bagpack and moved forward taking down four more.
And as I Rushed forward I saw the main cabin.
“Now” I whispered through my ear device and the lights went out and I slipped my night vision glasses on and quitely opened the door of the cabin and slipped in.
I removed my loaded gun from my pocket and shot at the two men surrounding Daniel and then shot at more three and it was just Daniel who was shooting aimlessly and me in the room I hid behind a table and waited for him to run out of bullets and he soon did and I rushed up and kicked out the gun from his hand and gasped his neck and pointed my gun on his head and intensified my hold until he was unconscious and soon I was joined by Will, Jennifer and Maya who had finished the remaining men.
“Here I will take him”Will said taking Daniel from my clutches and placing him on a chair and Jennifer tied him up
Now we waited for some moments until that bastard woke up
“Wake up” Will slapped on his face after pouring water on him.
He opened his eyes and took the surroundings around him and he looked shocked and confused at the same time.

“Let me get straight to the point where the hell have you guys kept Virat?” I commanded

“Oh the newest toy I see well seems like you are that girlfriend of his heard quite a lot about you.” he laughed
I know it had already pulled some strings inside of me his laughter just made me angry I grabbed a screwdriver from the floor and stabbed his hand.
I felt something inside of me something shifted inside of me I was not the same Anushka anymore I am someone else now someone who is ruthless someone who is dangerous and I don't think I would ever be able to come back to who I was because I am not her anymore the dark I have experienced in these past days is a part of me now a part of my unconscious and in no way that is to be erased I feel an emptyness inside I think it is a little late to discover but I have been ripped off my identity this is what he does Brad has started this game all of us are the players he changes us according to his wish. All this days whatever I have done taken lives been emotionless and ripped off my humanity I am not myself anymore I have a dark shadow with me and I know I can never get rid of it now it lives with me and will be there even after my death but If I am a part of this game I may as well win it.

I saw Daniel struggling in pain but I didn't feel anything it was like I was used to it and now this is my truth and I have to live through with it.

“You think it's fun toyiing with others life right well let me show you how it feels” taking out my knife from my pocket I grabbed his finger and cut it as deep as it could be done with a knife
“Let me play with your life now. How will it feel to have only four fingers in you hand now ” and seeing his pain and sufferings I didn't feel anything at all either even if I win this thing and rescue Virat I have already lost myself.
“Stop it please stop I will tell you ” Daniel pleaded
And he told us the part that he knew of.
But I was not letting him go I know if he is let free now he will tell everything to Brad and the plan will be changed again however if I keep him locked Brad will anyhow suspect and come to know so we decided to inject a body bomb through him with a microphone so that if he dares to breathe out anything he will be ripped into pieces.
Well you might have experience in this game Brad but I am here fighting for my love and you have nothing to fight for. For you this is just a damn game and this time I will make sure you loose this. You have ruined far too many lives.

CAPTURED ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें