23. {♛} Stronger

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Everything seems so confusing I feel like the world just blowed out

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Everything seems so confusing I feel like the world just blowed out.
Yes I got out of there but I couldn't rescue him I couldn't save him. Normally I would have been crying about this but not this time, I am not going to let Brad weaken me and I have to do this for Virat. I am not going to let Brad use Virat as a weakness on me because he is not my weakness he is my strength he is the best thing that ever happened to me and now that God has given him to me it's my job to not let him down. This time I am not going to cry or weep over whatever happened but I am going to come out stronger I know he is not going to kill Virat until he kills me but he is going to get tortured every single day. This time I am going to come out with a better plan this time I am going to be one step ahead of him. I was determined to get him back and I will because what's mine is mine and If anyone tries to take what's mine they will have to be ready to suffer the consequences
2 week later

This time we were determined to come out stronger. I just finished my training which I am continuously doing since the last 2 weeks and now I am pretty sure I can throw some hard hitting punches at someone's face and kick someones ass and I can easily shoot that Brad Kingston right on his head, but not heart because that's going to be useless he doesn't have one  there is place for sleep in my life anymore and there is no way I could sleep knowing that Virat would be in pain somewhere. The time I stopped training was when I had to either make a plan or investigate.
Yes we were working our ass out in finding the place where Brad had shifted Virat for now which is extremely secretive.
“Nush we got a lead! I found the place where this Daniel recides” Will concludes as he directions us to come to his laptop

Daniel is practically the right hand of Cris who is Brad's brother and somehow if we find him and can open up his mouth we can know about Virat's location.
The place seemed completely unfimiliar and unfazed it's like I haven't even ever heard about a town name tarrytown.
But this was not a surprise obviously he would live in a place like this where no one would be able to find him.

“Thank you so much Will” I squeaked

“Hey that's okay I mean I just found the location it was quite easy to track” he said still looking in his laptop

“No not just for finding the location but for everything you have done for Me” I explained

“That's nothing Anushka I am sure if Me or Jennifer would have been In your place you would have done the same that's what friends are for right?” he smiled

“Of course thank you guys for being such hell of friends” I said taking the freshly printed address in my hand.

“No problem Nush we will always stick with you” Maya and Jennifer said in chorus hugging me from behind and soon it turned into a group hug as Will joined in.

“So when are we leaving?” I asked

“Tomorrow morning” Jennifer answered

“Okay then see you guys in the morning” I said as I made my way to the gym to do some punches

“Nush Don't you think you should take rest we are leaving tomorrow morning and you haven't got any sleep since 2 weeks it's not healthy you may get insomania” Maya said worryingly

“I can't Maya I can't just bring myself to sleep I think I have already got insomnia”I said and continued walking

Something told me that tomorrow was going to be a long day and I have to double the practice because it's time for action.
I threw my best punches on the punching bag. This had become my new way of calming myself down these days totally opposite of the when I used to count 1 to 100. I had certainly changed as a person in these months, It has given me a new me who is not afraid of firing a gun on someone, a new me who is not afraid of kicking someone's ass, a new me who is ready to kill or to be killed, A new me who is fearless. That's when I realized the power of love I had always heard it that love is powerful but having experienced it myself now I know the power it beholds is more than it is told. You are ready to do anything for the one person you love.
And that person for me is Virat I can do anything for him and I have realized that how much I need him in my life to calm me down when I am angry, to cheer me up when I am sad, to give me hope when I am hopeless, to be my rest when I am tired, to be my backbone during problems, to be my shield in my difficulties,to be my tissue when I cry ,to be my calm in my despair, to be my Ray of sunshine in the dark. And how he had become a part of me in these few years.


I think I am going to blow up. How can she do this to me all this time I trusted her and now she is telling shit about me in the media” I said angrily as tears rolled down my cheek
Tears of being cheated tears of being feed with lies.
Jasmine had been my friend since I started my acting career both of us were modeling together. I thought no matter what but nothing is going to change between us but all of a sudden she started behaving differently she started getting jealous of me and now she is spreading shit about me.

“Shh! Nushki you can't waste your tears on a person like that she is not worth it ” Virat said sitting beside me and putting a hand on my shoulder

“But Virat I thought she was my friend” I blurted

“I know Nush! I know but turns out she was not but that's what she wants and you are giving it to her she wants to pull you down but you have to show her that you are much stronger.” He said wiping the tears from my cheek.

“I am not” I said

“You are! You are the strongest woman I know Nushki you don't know it but you are! You are a fearless brave girl you don't let people pull you down you rise above all this.” he said as he took my face in his hands as I hurried my face in his chest and she'd the last few tears

I was not going to cry anymore she was not worth it I don't care about her. The one who truly cares about me is here with me.

I lifted my head and smiled

“Yes that's my girl!” He said

“I love you Bubs” I smiled

“Love you too Nushki” he said kissing my head

*Flashback ends*

I will not let you down Virat I will prove myself as the brave, strong and fearless girl you told me I am.
I thought as I punched the bag with all my strength.

So I finally updated. Thank you for being patient guys.
love you all x! ❤

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