12. {♛} The Meeting

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Will stayed out to make me aware if there is any danger and here I was I went into the room and saw him lying tied up in a chair his eyes were shut and I could see blisters on his arms they had obviously done a lot of wrong with him I couldn't sto...

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Will stayed out to make me aware if there is any danger and here I was I went into the room and saw him lying tied up in a chair his eyes were shut and I could see blisters on his arms they had obviously done a lot of wrong with him I couldn't stop my tears I couldn't bear the sight of him

I tumbled upon some barrel and he opened his eyes I could see the pain in them when he looked

"Now who are you now ? And why are you here ? To check on me to check on if ai am feeling terrible enough " he said with pain in his voice before I could say something we were interrupted

"who are you?"

A woman in her mid thirties was standing wearing a simple flow dress it looked like she was one of Brad's staff

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A woman in her mid thirties was standing wearing a simple flow dress it looked like she was one of Brad's staff

"umm I am here with the Will the one who manages the security Just to check if this room has enough security"

What the hell was I saying If I continue giving such horrible and unreliable answers I will be caught in no time

"If you are for the security focus on that don't try to interfear"

She said in a angry tone

Who does she think she is to tell me this they are the one's who have interfered in our life

She tries to make Virat eat but he shrugs

"you are a fool you are going to die if you don't eat those glucose bottles will not make you last long which we have to forcefully inject to keep you alive " she said in her tone as if she was odering Virat I wanted to beat her to hell

"oh very good I don't even know why you guys are even keeping me alive just kill me it will be much more easier for all of us at least I don't have to go through this torture everyday " it broke my heart when he said that

"oh very good I don't even know why you guys are even keeping me alive just kill me it will be much more easier for all of us at least I don't have to go through this torture everyday " it broke my heart when he said that

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The woman came to me and took me in a corner

"well he is not going to eat but it's Brad's orders to make him eat he is going to get really angry" she said

" can I try at least "

"fine whatever doesn't matter because he is already no eating "

She handed the plate to me and went away

And I went to him

"just go away I don't want anyone I have just finished saying I don't want to eat"

"alteast think of the people who love you If you don't eat and something happens to you what will they do"

"honestly I don't even think I can meet them again and it doesn't matter because they are going to kill me anyways"

"but how can you lose hope"

"there is no hope to loose but you know what your voice seems so soothing so familiar when you first started talking I could see you in a blur I almost thought you are someone , someone I love but than it wasn't and it can't be there is no way."

I couldn't do this any more before he would get and chance to say anything I hugged him and before he reacted I removed my mask


His voice sounded like everything surprise shock amazment sadness

"Virat I can't tell you what I felt Virat when you were not there when I couldn't meet you" I said touching his face

"Anushka I can't believe this Is it really real"

"it is Virat I am as real as I can be" I grinned as I planted a kiss on his forehead

"Anushka I honestly have no Idea what's going on but I know one thing you shouldn't be here the are"

Before he could finish I blocked him with my finger on his mouth

"I know what you are going to say Virat. But I want you to know one thing that is I am not giving up on you and I am going to get you out of here"


Before he could say something I stuffed some food in his mouth

" Mr Virat we have a long way to go we have a whole battle to fight and you cannot fight it on a empty stomach"

And I got to see the smile I have been waiting since ages to see

"thats like my boy"

" But Anushka I can't let you risk your life for me. This is not right "

"what life are you talking about Virat I gave my heart to you a long time ago you are my life there is no me without you it's just like a body without soul"

He didn't say anything just numb for sometime

"Anushka I love you "

"I love you Virat "

"but I still can't let you"

"you don't have a choice you are stuck with me "

And suddenly Will appeared

"Anushka we have to leave Brad is here" he said in whispers

"but we just came"

"I know but It is the best thing to do at this time for all of us try and understand"

Before going Will went to Virat and got on his knees ( not to propose him of course)

"Dont worry bro we will get you out of here and I will take care of your girl though she doesn't needs me to she is really brave you are really lucky! Hang on okay"

And they both had thier talk

Man to man talk

And gave each other a smile and we went

As I turned back I could see him

Tears rolling down my cheeks as I saw him fading from my vision

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