"Wow," Cleo gaped at the sight of it and pointed it out, "Where did you get that?" 

"The Moon Pool at Mako Island," Emma replied.

"It's beautiful."

"I've never seen anything like it before," I commented.

Emma opened her phone and pressed a speed dial button and spoke into it, "Hi, Mum," she was a little nervous, "I need you to start texting the invitations."

There was a short pause as it sounded like her mom asked her something.

"Yes all the girls on the list--plus Rikki and Zoey," Emma replied.

I noticed a huge smile on Rikki's face at the fact she was included. My stomach started bouncing at the thought of being invited over. I'd ask my family for their permission first, though they'd instantly allow me to go. I was still getting to know everyone. And a sleepover would be an excellent bonding experience.

Emma hung up and turned to us, "Cleo's right. If I don't have this party it's like I'm not even putting up a fight."

Zane came over to us with a tray of four sodas with a cocky grin on his face.

"Four frozen Colas," he smirked at us after setting the try on our booth table.

Ever since the Zodiac incident, I've kept my guard up when interacting with Zane and Nate, knowing their tricks.

"What about them?" Rikki asked him.

"You look thirsty," Zane shrugged, "Enjoy." He went over to the table where Miriam and Tiffany sat conversing with each other and glancing at us.

Cleo eagerly took one of the drinks. Emma, Rikki, and I didn't since finding the supposed sodas suspicious. Zane would've put something in them or worse.

"Um, Cleo," I shook my head about to warn her when she already took a sip of it.

The moment she sipped it, Cleo gagged eyeing the drink feeling disgusted.

Zane laughed from across from us.

"Prune juice?" Emma guessed as if that happened to her before. 

Cleo nodded as we overheard Miriam and Tiffany chuckling.

"Real mature Zane. Real mature," Rikki turned to Zane with a sarcastic expression trying to resist the urge to punch the guy right in the kisser.

I found it best to ignore them, not wanting to give them any satisfaction, recalling some of Grandma's and Ebony's advice from when they dealt with high school when they were my age.

Not long after, Rikki's and my phones rang at the same time. I pulled out my phone and saw a message from Emma's mom notifying me about the sleepover and the other details.

"Thanks, Em," I smiled at her and reminded myself to also thank her mom for including Rikki and me.

Nearby, several phones went off at the same time and a lot of the girls present received notifications. 


I got home still feeling giddy on the inside. It would be my first slumber party in years.

"What got you stoked, sweetheart?" Grandma asked as I entered inside.

"Got an invite to Emma's slumber party tonight," I replied.

"That's exciting! I think we have Ebony's old sleeping bag stored in the garage somewhere. We'll have to clean it up to make sure there isn't anything crawling in it."

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