"Rikki and Zoey are right, Cleo," Emma began, "We can't tell anyone."

"Not even Mum?" Cleo asked.

"No. No parents."

"But I tell Mum everything!"

"Well, not this time. It's too dangerous! People just won't understand. We could be locked up."

"Why would we be locked up?"

"Most likely experimented on," I jumped in.

"Because we're different," Emma clarified, "Because we can do things other girls can't do. Because they're scared of us."

 I doubt anyone would be freaked out over four teenage girls who sprout tails when wet.

"Fine. I won't tell anyone," Cleo answered, "Except Lewis."

"No, Cleo," Rikki remarked, "Not Lewis. Not anyone."

"Ok, ok. Don't worry. I'm good at keeping secrets."

Is she though? I thought.


Later, school ended fifteen minutes after two. Despite it being nearly over a month, I was still considered one of the new kids, alongside Rikki. Several of the teachers I had knew Dad when they all attended school together when they were my age. Plus, I've had others ask if I planned on signing up for the swim team, the same one Emma was a part of. I could only say that I had other stuff in mind. 

I got to my locker, which was close to Cleo's. It made me feel better that the locker was next to someone I was familiar with already. Emma and Rikki's lockers were close by, which added a lot of comfort since I've had others, mainly the guys, approach me. They first have to get through Dad and Grandpa to get to me!

"It's party time, people. No excuses," Miriam Kent, the main popular girl called out to everyone in the hallway as she and her friend Tiffany handed out invites, "In honor of our very own surfing god, the beautiful Byron, for winning his special prize."

"What prize?" Cleo asked.

I glanced over from my locker. From what I remembered, on certain occasions, the Gold Coast would have a series of surfing competitions. Dad had entered a lot of them when he was my age and won several of them in a row. Also, I've met Byron a couple of times. He mentioned to me that my dad was his idol and inspired him to someday travel to a variety of surf spots worldwide.

"Whatever it is they give out for surfing," Miriam replied with a lack of interest.

"The Coast Surf Classic," Emma jumped in filling in the blank, "He won by a mile."

"Sounds like one of the events my dad competed in years ago," I nodded as I shut my locker after getting what I needed.

"I was having a spray tan. But I'm sure he was amazing," Miriam commented referring to Byron.

She glanced at the invites and then turned to Rikki and me. From what I've learned, Miriam hated new kids. She made it clear on the first day of my arrival. I think it was the fact Byron talked to me. But, I didn't let it get to me as much.

"Rikki. Zoey, I'm sure I might have a blank," Miriam added with a fake apologetic expression.

"Um. Sorry. I'll be flossing my teeth that night," Rikki replied sarcastically acting like she was bummed out.

"I've got other plans for that day, sorry," I remarked not interested.

Miriam and Tiffany left at that point. Lewis arrived and talked with Cleo. I stepped out of his way and went over to Emma and Rikki. I overheard Cleo telling Lewis that she planned on going to the party.

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