GTNLF. 26.

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I could hear Ben shouting but my mind was allowing me to hear the words, this was probably what hard of hearing people felt like. My eyelids were heavy and I couldn't lift my head from knees. I closed my eyes as I tried to make this feeling go away, yet as my stomach started to feel like I was being stabbed, I winced in pain as I clutched my stomach, my hearing returning to normal. 

"It's too late," I heard Mac speak, she sounded proud of whatever she was saying. 

I looked over at her and Ben, she was against the wall and Ben had his hands around her throat. Then he stopped, his hands dropping before he spoke, "I have a better idea, maybe I was a bit rash."

What on Earth were they talking about? He walked over towards me, he dropped down kneeling next to me, his hands touched my head and I felt a calming feeling before he turned to look at Mac, "Give me a hand then."

She came over towards me and they got me to my feet before Ben picked me up, his arms hooking under my legs and supporting my back before he smiled at Mac, "Where are we going?" She asked confused as he walked towards the door. 

"We're not finished with her yet," he spoke like I wasn't there. 

My mind drifted away as we entered the darkness. I thought of all the bad things I had ever done, it was a long list, my body began to shake as I thought of all the things I would never get to do, all the things I had not finished up, all the people I would miss. My body had no fight left, I didn't know what had happened but I had nothing left to give. 

"You're so fucking precious," Ben shouted up the stairs to me, he'd been working all day and he was mad that I seemed to have done nothing all day. "I don't work myself stupid so you can do nothing."

I laid on our bed as I let out a laugh, I thought it was quiet but then I heard Ben's voice again. "Are you honestly fucking laughing?" I could hear his feet as he stomped up the stairs, this time I couldn't stop the giggling from happening as I sat up on the bed. I watched as he entered the room, my teeth biting my bottom lip to stifle the laughs as he looked down on me. "What are you wearing?"

My fingers playfully stroked up my body before I turned my hands out at my sides before sighing with a smile on my face, "Oh I dunno." I touched the zipper on the large coat I was wearing, "I thought I might need some new clothes," I grinned.

"Blair I cannot be dealing with this right now," he groaned as he backed away from me and started to pull his tie from around his neck loosening it. 

"That's a shame," I spoke in a teasing tone, "Because I spent the whole day buying this new coat, well after booking us that holiday, where was it to?" I put a finger to my lips before pretending to think, I unzipped the coat and reached inside and pulled out a piece of paper opening it and pretending to read it and then looking back up at my husband, "Oh yeah that's right, Iceland."

He looked up from his tie and smiled at me before walking over at a quick pace, his hands pushing the coat off me and then kissing me hard against the lips, "You're still fucking precious," he told me before returning to kiss me again. 

My mind returned to me when I felt my feet on the ground again, I managed to hold myself up before I looked forward. Mac came into my vision, in her hands were the handcuffs from before, she clipped one of them around my right wrist before she let Ben take over, roughly he pulled my arm up before cuffing the left wrist in the cuffs once they were resting over the bar again. 

I could feel the strain in my arms from being high in the air, my eyes adjusting to the barely there light in the room, before I realised I was back where I had started. I didn't understand what was happening, why didn't he just kill me in the other room? Why was this necessary?

Good Things Never Last Forever. Baby Mafia. (Book 2) (Kylo Ren AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang