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I woke to the sound of my phone's ringtone blaring, I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone from the charger and answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Sorry Blair, did I wake you up?" I heard Leia's voice on the other end of the phone. 

Sitting up I looked over at Ben's side, "It's okay." I was confused, Ben's side hadn't even been slept in. We had been married for only six months and he was already staying at work all night, is that how my relationship was heading?

"Turn on the news!" I heard her demand. 

Feeling around I found the controller for the bedroom telly on the bed near Ben's pillow, I pressed it on and turned to the news. My heart dropped when I saw that another police officer had been shot, then the name rolled across the bottom of the screen, Officer Harry Grey. 

"I guess it was only a matter of time. Daniel did warn them," I leaned back against the headboard as I muted the telly and sighed. "What happens now?"

"I have no idea," Leia said in a quiet voice, "But someone else has been arrested."

Springing out of bed I managed to keep on the phone, "Do we know who?"

"His name is Reece," Leia told me stopping me dead in my tracks as I was trying to pull on my jeans. "Are you still there Blair?"

"Sorry," I mumbled. "I just fell out of my bed." I was such a bad liar. 

"I have to get down to the station," Leia told me. "They need someone to be his rep and I'm bringing Rey in on it. I just have to meet her down there." I heard her moving around before she spoke again, "If I was you I would get down to the station, I think we are going to be needed a bit earlier than we were told."

"Okay, see you there." I heard her say goodbye before she hung up. 

A groan left my lips as I pulled the rest of my clothes on, my phone dropping to the floor as I struggled with my shirt buttons. Once I made myself presentable I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair before checking my reflection in the mirror. As I walked back into the bedroom I walked over and picked up my phone, checking it I had been called several times by Leia before I had answered. Ben had sent me a text saying he would be much later than he hoped, but he hadn't text me since. 

I pressed on his name starting a call to his phone but it went straight to voicemail, I sighed as I pushed my phone into my jeans pocket before leaving the bedroom and going down the stairs. Breakfast was not an option this morning, I felt quite sick just thinking about it. 

Grabbing a pen and a sheet of paper I leaned against the kitchen side as I started to write a note. I didn't really know what I was going to say, yet the words seemed to just flow from the pen as I wrote:

I have no idea what happened to you last night but hopefully, you'll be here when I get home. Please just ring me when you get home, I missed you. Going to be at work all day, I doubt I will be home before 10 tonight - don't cook for me.
Love you. Blair xx

I pinned the note onto the fridge before I put my shoes on and left the house. 

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Good Things Never Last Forever. Baby Mafia. (Book 2) (Kylo Ren AU)Where stories live. Discover now